Did you ever read a book and want to cry? I'm reading this book series that. Makes me want to cry since I know one of the characters from a previous series that i haven't finnished yet, I feel like crying since they're in such a mess! :(
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Books don't usually make you cry, it's the shows and movies. Erens mothers death scene from attack on Titan makes me cry in the show, but it only made me feel sad in the manga.


It's okay...:((
on December 28, 2014

I'm crying right now about the scene:((
on December 28, 2014
on December 28, 2014

I still cry whenever I'm reminded about it!
on December 28, 2014
on December 28, 2014
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The Dwarves series is one of the most depressing yet good books in fantasy. I cried my tear out often reading it. If you want a tragedy read the Dwarves series it will make you think about Heroes and what would happen to the "Grand Hero" after happy ever after.
on October 12, 2015
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Harry Potter made me cry.
Percy Jackson made me cry.
The Hunger Games made me cry.
The Maze Runner made me cry.
Gone made me cry.
So to answer your question, yes!
Percy Jackson made me cry.
The Hunger Games made me cry.
The Maze Runner made me cry.
Gone made me cry.
So to answer your question, yes!
on January 31, 2015