threebeltking's Questions
threebeltking asked 105 questions
WHat is the best tye of music to listen to while sick? I am sick today, and wondering w...

Whould you trust someone if they gave you baked goods on halloween? Would you trust the...
Do you have a phone and do you want one/like it? Do you have a phone and what are your ...
What's your impression of Canada? Just wondering as a Canadian.

Could you colour this drawing for me? So I drew this drawing, but I'm too lazy to colou...

What are some good anime or manga? I've already seen so many but need more to watch. I ...

If you were filmed at school and a video was sent to your parents showing your work hab...

Can I have some help with my friend? Okay, so I have a friend who sits beside me and ea...

What would you ask a twin? I'm a twin and I keep on being asked stuff like is we have p...

Fans of Harry Potter are you as upset about this as I am?
Just wondering, When I'm on Qfeast there's some users that I recognize, and don't have ...

This has been bothering me for awhile, so does anyone else have an obsession of apples?...

Which story idea is better? #1: (quick review) Someone can uses photoshop to change how...

What is the longest you've ever played an instrument? Violin 6 years and counting...

Who is the most popular Qfeaster? I really want to know, please don't answer yourself. ...

How would you describe Qfeast? Not "awesome" but like "the fandom site of quizzes" and ...

What is the craziest song you know? mine is nightmare sarcasm

Is there a difference between Black Rock Shooter OVA and TV?

How many question have you asked on Qfeast? I have 87