Just wondering, When I'm on Qfeast there's some users that I recognize, and don't have to go to their profile to know who they are. Like when I'm just browsing the new quizzes I see one by Celest_Stories and I just say, "oh! I haven't see her in a while!" or when I'm introducing Qfeast to friends and I see Elleyd I say "Oh! This person's really nice!" I'm just wondering if you recognize me on here. I'm sorry if I sound selfish.
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Me either.Eventhough it's the first time i commented on something of yours.Good work.??
on April 08, 2015
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I do!!!!!!!!

well, @smileyface2002 i think thats because I forced you to join feast...
on April 07, 2015
on April 07, 2015