threebeltking's Questions - Page 2
threebeltking asked 105 questions

Who else on qfeast has 130+ polls? I made a poll asking how many polls people had and o...

What are some characters for a story? I want to write a story, and I don't have many ch...

Why do people swear? I think its just admitting your too stupid to think of a creative ...

Why do people like McDonalds? my sis always asks this, I can never say why! Please help...

What anime are the twins in the picture from? i really like this picture and have seen ...

What is the absolute opposite religion than christianity? that is not atheism!
Wha is so amazing about one piece?

Who has created the most polls on qfeast? i have 138 at the moment and im wondering who...

How long have you loved your fandoms?

What are some goods dystopian books with competitions in them I love dystopian books wi...

How many Fairy Tail books were made into anime? I've read the books up to #40, there ar...

Why does everyone keep posting the blue and black dress everywhere? every where i look ...

Where is another Peter Pan fan? i have memorized so much of peter pan and it has been m...

What anime has better theme songs? i think blaxk rock shooter's theme song has REALLY g...

Why does everyone have a phone? Even kindergadeners have phones now! Why not just have ...

What anime is most popular of all time? this is not What you FAVORITE anime is but what...

What manga should i read? I love fairy tail, sword art online (i've only seen 10 anime)...

Why did you read The Hunger Games? I was walking i a mall after buying some new shoes (...

what was the worst realization ever? Princess leia is a Disney princess!