Self harm... My sister had depression a few years ago and a couple of months ago I saw unnatural scarring on her hand. The scars are old so I am assuming that it was from when she had depression, though I don't think my parents know. If she isn't doing it now should I bother telling my parents? I'm not even sure if those scars are from self harm but they are definitely unnatural. Plus now she has an eating disorder where she would eat a lot of snacks and wait until shes alone or when its like 2 am to throw up. My parents have talked to her about this but we don't know how to really help her. I'm pretty shy with serious topics around my family I only just turned 13. What do I do?
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Since she's had problems in the past and you're not so open with talking about it to your family, why don't you talk with her for a bit? See why she's been doing it in the first place and try to find a way out of her problems. If you can't think of anything and you notice some changes in her, for example she's losing weight or looks more exhausted. You should think of checking her in with psychologists. They give the best treatments and maybe at first, she will not accept it too See More much and might even dislike some of your family members for it, but her health comes first and in the end, she will be grateful for it. I don't have much experience with this but here's a website, maybe it can give you an idea of what to do. Good luck with it and I hope she will turn out alright <3 Remember to never give up on her xxx

The thing is Im more comfortable talking to my parents because we are so close, Me and my sister barely ever talk to eachother anymore. I know for sure my parents are worried and I know for sure that she still doing it. I'm a thinker and I never express my opinion in real life or even sometimes online, its a problem of mine. I just don't like talking about serious See More topics. Its hard to tell is her personality changed since we susally just lounge about at home during break.

@Ragdoll I'm not so great at giving advice but if you feel that it's better to talk with your parents and you're not a person of speech, why not write a letter to them about how concerned you are for your sister and the possibilities they could think of taking. With your sister, it's never too late to stop her from worsening her case so you shouldn't hesitate See More to try and do something about. Ask your parents to have another serious chat with her, to show her that she is taking risks and certain consequences are possible. If that doesn't too much, a psychologist is best.
on December 26, 2014
on December 26, 2014
on December 26, 2014
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Ik this post is years old but I've been self harming since I was in the second grade and I'm starting my 10th grade year. I would open up and ASK HER... it could help in the long run knowing she has someone there for her if it helps I have a quiz on my account about this look into if you still have the problem sorry if it doesn't help
on October 18, 2016
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I self harm, and I know if people talk to me us out it, I get it might be best to leave her be, but if it comes to Suiside....don't
on March 06, 2016