have you done something terrible to a person that you regret doing it?
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Yeah. I was a real sh*t when I was a little kid. My grandma had diabetes, kidney failure and mersa, so she was always either in hospitals or in bed at home. So one time she was laying down on her tall bed so she couldn't see me. So I crawled around on the floor an made creepy sounds. She asked if anyone was there but I didn't answer. So she got scared and called for me. I crawled out real quick and pretended to run up and acted like I didn't know what was wrong. She died maybe See More a year or so later maybe even less. I regretted it after I did it and even more after she died. :( I feel like a horrible person when I think about it.

@GummyBearLove so sad
on November 17, 2014
on November 17, 2014
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Yes. I was doing a joke with my classmates telling each one of them that her father came to school to check on her, each one of them used to freak out. But there is this one friend I told her "Your father is here" ...and I didn't know that she was the one in the room but.. when I just saw the girl I just started cursing myself because.. that girl, her father died weeks ago..and she stared at me and said "Really...he's here?" and she cried and I cried and I still feel like a mean See More person everytime I remember that. :(:(
on March 17, 2017
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I got mad at someone, I pushed them, their head landed on my window, (luckily it didn't break or their head ...), I left a circle mark on the left corner of the forehead, I broke one part of the window, it was the lock whenever you want to lock it so you can keep it down, and then I felt bad ...
on November 16, 2014