I need your help I need your help! If you bealeve in ghost then listen, if you don't, then you better stop reading this and do something else. I need your suggestion, I saw a ghost, it was no mistak. I saw it, a girl with long black hair and a wight night gown on and big blue eays. Should I go back to investigat or should I just forget about it?
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If you wish to possibly anger the spirit then investigate if you dont want to then forget it happened
on December 11, 2014
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You'll know she's a ghost if you feel a sudden burst of cold... Like I'm feeling right now O.o
on January 08, 2015
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I seen her before too!go investigate!you should know shes pretty strange and interesting!:D

Like how interesting?

on December 11, 2014
on December 11, 2014
on December 11, 2014
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search the web, the dress you saw the ghost at, then go onto news. how old is the place.
I saw a ghost in my sleep and described it to my dad, he can see ghosts, i cant, and he said thats what he saw, lol
I saw a ghost in my sleep and described it to my dad, he can see ghosts, i cant, and he said thats what he saw, lol
on August 12, 2017
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OOH! OOH! I think she's trying to tell you something. Next time, get closer. Try asking, 'Why are you here?'.
on January 08, 2015
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Ok. I can sorta communicate with ghosts, and when I grow up I want to be a demonologist. So. When did you see her? WHERE did you see her? You should further investigate. Once I saw a woman under a willow tree. Haven't seen her since, but I'm going to try.
on January 08, 2015