WolfWarrior asked a question
What now? (Follow up to my last question "I need your help") So I went to the bathroom ...
on July 31, 2015

on July 31, 2015

I have an anouncment! I would like to step down from being Alpha! Now the Beta will take my spot as Alpha.

The reason for this is that I wish not to be in charge. (Its really because I'm not online enough)
on July 31, 2015
on July 31, 2015

on July 31, 2015

I'm sorry its been like a year since I have been on. But my tablet broke and now I finally fixed it. You will be seeing more of me now! Again I'm sorry.
on July 31, 2015

hey im sooooo sorry i have not been on in soooooo long!!!
on February 01, 2015

hey guys were i live its 1:17 am im getting off, bye talk to you tomarow!!!!
on December 30, 2014

*i start screaming* NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!GET HIM OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on December 30, 2014
on December 30, 2014

*i start to wake up and i try to talk, but i could only mumble* there is a wolf that saied he was going to kill us all......*i pass out again* MEDISON WOLF: lets get u bake to my den to rest.*she drags me to her den*

*Eyes widen* No! We'll win! As the warrior wolf I'll make sure we do! *Pads the ground with her paw and huffs angrily*
on December 30, 2014

MEDISON WOLF:no kidding ME:it was no nightmar! it was a vishon!!! that wolf came, and he.....he.....he....*i start to cry again* we are all going to die, this time he is bringing a pack, 10 times bigger than ours.
on December 30, 2014

*Tilts her head slightly to the side and swings her tail once briskly amongst the dirt* Nightmare? Must've been one hell of a nightmare then...
on December 30, 2014

MEDISON WOLF: probaly just a nightmar.....*she turns back to me* its ok, your in a better place now,...sh....sh...
on December 30, 2014
on December 30, 2014