Am I insecure?

Am I insecure?

This quiz will reveal if you are self conscious, or tend to be the more confident girl (sorry for girls)

published on September 13, 2013336 responses 27
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When you look in the mirror, do you analyze yourself? For example look at your features on your face, how proportionate everything is, are you pretty or not, etc.

When you look in the mirror, do you analyze yourself? For example look at your features on your face, how proportionate everything is, are you pretty or not, etc.
Yeah but every girl does right?
All the time
Not really, but occasionally I will
Yeah sometimes

If/when you do, what do you see in yourself?

If/when you do, what do you see in yourself?
I said I don't
I'm okay looking, I mean I'm not ugly, but sometimes I think I look better than other times
I'm kinda pretty/pretty, but of course there's a feature(s) that are worse than my others
I actually don't feel I look pretty. I have a lot of features that are not the nicest.
I don't think I'm pretty, but there's like one feature of mine that's okay

When one of your friends say that you're pretty/compliment you, you:

When one of your friends say that you're pretty/compliment you, you:
Okay I can see that they like my one good feature but other than that well not really.
Yes, I believe them. They wouldn't say that unless they meant it.
Well it depends on when they compliment me.
I guess I believe them, even though they're probably overlooking my worst feature(s).
No I don't really believe them. They're sort of obligated to say things like that.

How much makeup do you wear?

Not a lot. Just enough to enhance my features.
I wear at least four of these: foundation and/or coverup, eye shadow, mascara, eye liner and either lipstick or lip gloss. I don't feel I'm looking good without them.
I wear more makeup on some days more than depends on how I feel like I look.
I wear a bit (mascara, eyeliner, lip gloss) and feel more comfortable wearing it.
I don't like cake my face, but I definitely have to wear makeup.

Are you comfortable with your body?

Are you comfortable with your body?
Well of course some days I like it better than others. It mostly depends on how what I'm wearing compliments/contrasts with my body.
I mostly don't like it...I guess there are a few good features of it.
I like it, i feel pretty comfortable in it.
I mostly like it, there's like a few things that I could tweak though.
I actually am really uncomfortable in it. I feel like a lot of it could be changed.

How do you feel other people see you?

How do you feel other people see you?
Well truthfully I feel like other people see me as an awkward, imperfect person.
I feel like they see a confident person.
I think they see an average person.
I think they see someone who they can envy for like two things (features,qualities) and then whoa other than that nothing else.
Well it depends on when they see me...sometimes i am a lot more confident and looking a lot better, and then other times....meh.

What do you wish you could be?

What do you wish you could be?
More athletic
Better at the arts
More popular
More popular and prettier
Smarter and prettier
Smarter and more athletic
More athletic and prettier
More popular, smarter, prettier, and athletic
Meh nothing really
It really depends when you're asking me

Do you think you are pretty?

Do you think you are pretty?
No not really
Well some days I look fine and then others...well, I don't think I look my best.
Yes I think I am even though no one's perfect
Yes but if I could change one feature on me I would
Umm well I'm not the most unfortunate looking....but am no belle either

How many features on you would you change?

I don't mean to sound conceited but none
Some days I'd like to change a different number of features on me as others
Too many to count

Do you look at other girls and wish you could be like them?

Yes al the time
A lot I guess
Not really
Sure I guess like maybe but usually no
If I feel good, then I don't. If I feel bad, then I do