Am I Emo This was quiz was made by a real Emo and it is completely acurate, no lies josh.jackson.3745 published on August 15, 2012 Stacked 1/10 do you like My Chemical Romance no Yess love them yess if thats what emos like 2/10 do you wear rist bands yess no my rist needs to be free yess i have alot 3/10 whats you favorite color black whith one or two others lots black, black, and did i mention black 4/10 how many friends do you have alittle alot afew close ones 5/10 what's you take on life whatever you live you die and do a little bit inbetween I mean we all hav one just some more painful than others 6/10 do you wear tight pants yess all the time most of the time noo 7/10 do people call you emo yess but i dont like it yes no 8/10 Do you love yourself i hate everything no/sometimes yes 9/10 do you think your emo yes but i dont go aroud screaming im emo yes i bragg about it 10/10 do you like studed belts yess all my belts are studed noo