Should I still call her friend? My best friend at church started ignoring me ever since the pastor's son came. She started to hang out with the popular girls, and half of my friends left me (the half were girls). I know that they all have a crush on him, but seriously? I've always been loyal to all my friends, and kept all their little secrets. But should I still call my "Best Friend" as a friend?
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No. A friend wouldn't ditch you for a guy. I know how you are feeling Cuz an old friend did that to me. You will only be a back up plan after she is done with him. But you could confront her and talk to her about the situation. That might help.

She won't listen to me, she is all hanging out with the popular girls, and they tell her not to hang out with me because I'm a loner.
on November 22, 2014
on November 22, 2014
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I really don't know how to answer this, but here's both sides of the argument~
You should- I think maybe you have to wait a while. I mean, I used to act like that. I got SO hung up on a guy that I completely didn't have time to talk to anyone else. That guy DID like me back, but he still rejected me...Afterwards, I still went back to my best friend and we're still close as ever.
You shouldn't- Not all situations can end up like mine. If she was a jerk, she may end up treating See More you horribly after being rejected(I had a friend who kind of had the same situation as your best friend and she treated me really bad). There IS a possibility that she might ditch you for a guy. But anyways, it all depends on what you decide.
You should- I think maybe you have to wait a while. I mean, I used to act like that. I got SO hung up on a guy that I completely didn't have time to talk to anyone else. That guy DID like me back, but he still rejected me...Afterwards, I still went back to my best friend and we're still close as ever.
You shouldn't- Not all situations can end up like mine. If she was a jerk, she may end up treating See More you horribly after being rejected(I had a friend who kind of had the same situation as your best friend and she treated me really bad). There IS a possibility that she might ditch you for a guy. But anyways, it all depends on what you decide.

on November 22, 2014
on November 22, 2014
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Well yes my mom claims my firned Stormi has told the church bus not to pick me up and my sister for church wesday amn did it suck when she said that.
on May 07, 2015
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I had a problem my friend like this new girl and they became good friends I got jealous so I used people to make her jealous and she never called me a friend again and she's been avoiding me
Before this we used to have a club with this other girl called the secret anics and she was leader so my friend agreed so the person who made this club made me a bully and she is too and I will always stay mad at her forever!
Before this we used to have a club with this other girl called the secret anics and she was leader so my friend agreed so the person who made this club made me a bully and she is too and I will always stay mad at her forever!
on January 06, 2015
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It's up to you. You can call her a friend but is she a true friend. One of my friends stop texting me for a reason and she read my messages. And I'm gonna see her Tuesday to figure it out
on December 08, 2014
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Call her a friend but not your best friend. Keep as many friends as you can but look for a new best friend.
on November 23, 2014