How do I get rid of fleas for good? When we found jack he was a feral kitten and abandoned by his mother who only raised one litter before his and she abandoned him at a young age and when we got him after a few weeks we gave him some flea pills and crunched them in his food and the fleas got out of his fur or came to the top of his coat and started slowely diying but after what seemed to be a month we saw a small amount of fleas kept appearing we keep trying to give him stuff to get rid of the fleas but it doesn't work my papaw says they lay eggs in the house and their offspring comes back on jack and that we should bomb the house 3 times but my parents don't want to so how can I get rid of them once and for all? Because I been starting to find them on me too..
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OMG I had the same problem, they suck so bad. The only thing that works for me was to bath the cat really well with flea shampoo and then comb through their fur. You also might need to use ( sorry forgot the name if the product ) the stuff that slows down fleas and prevents them from jumping off while you comb through. WARNING only use the tiniest bit of that stuff cos your cat might get mildly sick. And when I mean tiny I mean really really small amounts, like not even visible. See More Also when you see fleas on the comb dip the comb in a container full of water so they can't escape and die. You may also want to have insect spray next to you cos fleas will detect a threat and will jump off your cat and will jump on the closest thing they find, and they bite you too so when you see one on the ground or something spray it. Always remember when your done wash your hands too cos fleas can carry nasty things if they jump on you. You should give your cat a really quick wash with just water to afterwards. One more thing, I'm sorry to say but you have to flea bomb the house. There is no other way. Tell your parents that it's actually quite easy and there is no other way. Hope it all works ?
on January 13, 2015