Does this ever happen to anyone else?!? I always want to make quizzes or other stuff(mainly quizzes) but it's so frustrating because when I'm almost done or done I always do save draft(sometimes this happens when I do save and next) but when I click on it, it goes to a page and says " web page not found" then I have to start all over because everything is gone! I don't know if this is my computer or what but does this happen to anyone else?
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Please tell us more details. Thank you in advance:
1) Can you open a draft quiz? You should found them on the "Created Quizzes" section of your profile
2) What device are you using?
3) On what step is crashing? (Adding personalities, question, settings, preview, verify) ?
4) Is it the Qfeast's "not found page" or the browser's "not found page"
Please do not create / edit quizzes from multiple tabs.
1) Can you open a draft quiz? You should found them on the "Created Quizzes" section of your profile
2) What device are you using?
3) On what step is crashing? (Adding personalities, question, settings, preview, verify) ?
4) Is it the Qfeast's "not found page" or the browser's "not found page"
Please do not create / edit quizzes from multiple tabs.
I can open my drafts and stuff, the device I use it my computer or laptop and it happens when I'm at "add questions". I think its the browsers "not found page"
on December 15, 2014
on December 14, 2014