how do you get motivated to something? I'm writing a warrior cats story called 'forestclan' and I am almost done with a chapter but I'm not motivated enough to get it done and I really want to get the chapter done tonight.
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Push yourself, set a goal, put a reward in place (i.e. after every paragraph you eat your favorite candy and then when you finish you get a piece of cake or something), it has to be within you though so yo have to work for it.
Alright! My lazy side just likes to be in control a lot ^_^"
Trust me, 80% of teenagers face the same problem
on December 02, 2014
on November 30, 2014
on November 30, 2014
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I have no idea. One day i am super inspired and motivated and then the next i am just dull and can't think of anything DX but just try and focus and pretend if you don't get it done ur english teacher will give you and F
on January 17, 2015
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i just tell myself, if i get it done i can have more time to do stuff i want.
hope this helps!
hope this helps!
on December 08, 2014