Are you a collecter, if so what do you collect? Hair accessories and pretty stones.
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Pokemon plushies. I never do anything with them, but I have a huge box of them.

Wow I only have 3 of them
on January 14, 2016
on December 12, 2014
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car part, bike parts, fox costumes, notebooks, music, instruments, coins, books, selfies of myself. *sticks paw in mouth* yuck! cat hair too! wat else? model trains, model cars, rc cars, bows, license plates from the dump, bottles, cans, jackets, drawings from friends, hi, boxes, headphones, signs...etc. I keep most of the big things that are found in the dump hidden by a creek about 5 miles into the forest in a abandon car.
on April 21, 2018
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I collect little bits and pieces, small rubber ducks, Tiny Screwdrivers, Pieces of gemstones, Small toys, And really corny jokes
on January 14, 2016
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I guess you could say I "collect". I get things that I find randomly. Nails, screws, paper clips, pebbles, paper pieces, weird things like that. I don't even actually TRY to look for these things. I just find them randomly.
I don't even know. :P
I don't even know. :P
on December 07, 2014
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I don't really "collect", but I buy lots of hair accessories. OuO
In the store today I was walking down to find teddies, then I caught this ribbon head-wrap at the edge of my eye and I was like "Ooo! (O o O)"
In the store today I was walking down to find teddies, then I caught this ribbon head-wrap at the edge of my eye and I was like "Ooo! (O o O)"
on December 07, 2014