If you had one wish, what would it be? Would you have money, power or wealth? Or something else?
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To be away from all humans on earth and be apart of another world.

Mobius. Like in the sonic fandom

Cool :)
on February 23, 2016
on February 23, 2016

Thats a cool wish, any idea where you would want to go?
on February 23, 2016
on February 23, 2016
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I would wish to find somebody who cared for me with all her heart, and i would care for her with all my heart as well ...
on February 09, 2017

Isn't that all....sadly that has yet to happen to me as well. I do hope you both find that special someone.
on February 08, 2017

Awww... Same here, but I don't think that's gonna happen to me.
on February 09, 2017

Aw. I wish for the best for you. Don't worry, Valentine's Day is coming. Im sure someone will give u something that day. Good luck.
on February 09, 2017
@shygirl23 Well...at least your crush talks and even sings with you. When i try to have a conversation with my crush IRL I'm greeted by a Hateful glare and nothing remotely close to a friendly "Hello"
on February 09, 2017

Thanks @tylnapp.
@Im_Dead_so_there, Cause my crush is not really doing anything. I mean have he gave me a container full of mints, but I don't think its supposed to be a Valentines Gift. I don't know. And I heard him sing and then I sang a bit. And then I said if he sang, I'll sing with him, and so we did. Talk about high school drama! ?
@Im_Dead_so_there, Cause my crush is not really doing anything. I mean have he gave me a container full of mints, but I don't think its supposed to be a Valentines Gift. I don't know. And I heard him sing and then I sang a bit. And then I said if he sang, I'll sing with him, and so we did. Talk about high school drama! ?
on February 09, 2017
on February 09, 2017
on February 08, 2017
on February 07, 2017
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Just to be with my old best friend again!
Or have more wishes or powers!
I really want the first one tho... Missing him a lot...
Or have more wishes or powers!
I really want the first one tho... Missing him a lot...
on February 06, 2017
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on February 23, 2016
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I....I don't know..... so many things that I want...maybe to be transported to another universe, and live in it.....though which one....
on February 23, 2016
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I would wish for that whenever I wish to buy something, I always have the exact amount of money needed in my pocket for the purchase
on February 13, 2017
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I would go as far away as I could from this terrible terrible place and go to the underground and ruins to be where I really belong so I could be away from all the weird weird mean terrible humans. I have a happy life don't I =) (I don't......)
on February 09, 2017
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on February 08, 2017
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If it was Game related: To be in UnderSwap/Underfell
If it was in Real life: For everything that went wrong to be right, and that we are all great people :3
If it was in Real life: For everything that went wrong to be right, and that we are all great people :3
on February 04, 2017
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I would wish for my life to better than it is now. To wish my father stop drinking, and my parents to get along. I with for my depression to stop. I want my siblings and I to get along. I want my asthma attacks to stop and my heart mummer to be patched up. I wish for world hunger to stop. I want people to know me for making a change in the world. I wish for world peace. I wish for my friend to be alive and be with me. Every night I pray for one of these wishes. I wish for many See More things but no of them will come true. :(
on March 12, 2016
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I would have the world, I would rule over everybody and own everything. Though my friends would probably try to stop me, I would succeed.
on March 10, 2016
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I wish to own a zoo full of mystical and non mystic creatures like dragons. Or normal animals like horses.
on March 09, 2016