Someone please explain to me why the frick frack patty whack I am back here?!

Nostalgia tripping?
on February 17, 2020

Get that 2012 internet culture outta here. This is my safety bubble
on February 12, 2020

*e v i l l a u g h t e r*
on February 12, 2020

on February 12, 2020

You're stuck forever now
on February 12, 2020
on February 12, 2020

That moment you have no idea what you're doing 95% of the time...
That is me 100% of the time
That is me 100% of the time
on April 11, 2019

Alright boys and girls, I AM BACK!

Not too shabby. Yeah, you know me. That was me. I wrote a story you rather enjoyed, and never really got to finish it.
on April 09, 2019
on March 20, 2019

I don't care what your opinion on matpat or game theory or whatever, watch this video right fvcking now. This could destroy the whole internet, not just in Europe. Please, spread the word as far as you can. Tell anyone who will listen. And if any of you happen to live in Europe, talk to your MEPs and get them to understand the gravity of this issue. We can't ignore this and just say "it's Europe's problem". It's EVERYONE'S PROBLEM. See More Please re.post.
I don't care what your opinion on matpat or game theory or whatever, watch this video right fvcking now. This could destroy the whole internet, not just in Europe. Please, spread the word as far as you can. Tell anyone who will listen. And if any of you happen to live in Europe, talk to your MEPs and get them to understand the gravity of this issue. We can't ignore this and just say "it's Europe's problem". It's EVERYONE'S PROBLEM. See More Please re.post.
on November 26, 2018

on July 16, 2018

Alrighty. Let's not let this die just yet. I do hope for a revival
on May 27, 2018

Hey bud. The Impure story is more or less dead (Ill resume if things here dont go as planned), but if you join this here discord and be a bit happier. https://discord.gg/s4dAPj

I ask as in PM he said I could join but never offered the code unfortunately. Though that was a while ago whrn I tried contacting him, about five months ago or so.
on November 24, 2018
on May 14, 2018

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was Vaykalin_Bloodbane
on January 17, 2018

Votes are in and there ain't bloody many. So, back to Dungeon_Master I guess.
on January 17, 2018

Wow. On here for two years. Well shit... Ah well, probs gonna change my name soon... might make a poll.
on December 04, 2017

Hey, not sure if you remember me mate, But it's Reaper. Just wondering how you are.

on December 06, 2017
on November 27, 2017

on November 01, 2017

Happy halloween to all my followers, although that was yesterday for me so CANDY MANIA HERE HAHAHA!
on October 31, 2017

I feel old. Compared to all the folk here that I see I feel like a old fart

Nearly a adult. But the peeps I see around are like 13 and 14 and I'm just like "Shit that used to be me where did my time go?"
on September 04, 2017
on September 04, 2017