on March 09, 2017

I haven't had energy drinks since Saturday and I haven't had much sugar
on March 09, 2017

Did you overdose on energy drinks or sugar last night or this morning
on March 09, 2017

yes and I do not no why!
on March 09, 2017

Hi. You are energetic today.
on March 09, 2017
on March 08, 2017

Yo, any of you fellow nerdlings feel like popping up in a story I'm writing or in my bio, just give me a shout
on March 07, 2017

Dungeon_Master added a new chapter to The Ramblings of the Dancing Drow.
Enter the Moathouse
The trip to the Moathouse was uneventful, although I did hire myself to the caravan master as a guard and scout to earn some extra coin along the way. When we reached the moat house, I was rather stunned on how it was more a run down keep rather than a actual house, with two towers, a main keep and stone walls, it was utterly filthy. Moss and grime covering the place, making the stone seem more green than grey.
All of a sudden, I hear this loud, horrible screeching and as I turn around, a gi... Read Full Chapter
All of a sudden, I hear this loud, horrible screeching and as I turn around, a gi... Read Full Chapter
on February 28, 2017

Yay, nobody cares

Ah right, yes, that silly person. Lol, forgotten all about them when they started to whine when they were losing against my insults
on February 17, 2017

It was on the "Rise against Qfeast" question.
When she said, "You suck at bowling". Not sure why she said this though.
When she said, "You suck at bowling". Not sure why she said this though.
on February 17, 2017

Oh excuse me, I changed my username.
It used to be "Danks" . My sister still has the same name though. It's " Hoshi_no_Jyushi".
I remember the argument you guys had...
It used to be "Danks" . My sister still has the same name though. It's " Hoshi_no_Jyushi".
I remember the argument you guys had...
on February 17, 2017
on February 17, 2017

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was Do_Not_Fear_The_Reaper, Now I'm just going through a tad of a change everyone, nothing to worry about, still the same old me folks
on February 17, 2017

on February 10, 2017

Hi, anyone alive?
on February 09, 2017

Oh shoot yoour on.
Hows life?
Hows life?

on February 08, 2017
on February 08, 2017

HI! Is everyone alive??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on February 08, 2017

on February 01, 2017

Wo ist thou if I may ask?

on January 01, 2017

Thy be thyself and thee be your self.
Not sure if it's a reference but my brain is foggy. And it's still me Ty, just removing name stuff
Not sure if it's a reference but my brain is foggy. And it's still me Ty, just removing name stuff
on January 01, 2017
on December 30, 2016

Notification making you think this is a normal notification but really its a troll notification
on December 08, 2016

Yo. Anyone home?

Not much. Just wondering what's going down with that story? I mean the one where ordinary people become the new gods and all that jazz.
on December 07, 2016
on December 07, 2016

One year... One Fecken year I've been on this site, AND NO ONE CAN TAKE ME FROM IT!
Anyways, thank you all for an amazing year, it has been an honour and a pleasure knowing and befriending all of you wonderful people, from the most distant and far fetched followers to my close friends and my dearest wife. I am glad to have served, worked with and at some times commanded you fellow qfeasters of amazing imaginations and incredible talents. NOW, FAREWELL MORTALS! MAY YOU NEVER ROLL See More A 1!
Anyways, thank you all for an amazing year, it has been an honour and a pleasure knowing and befriending all of you wonderful people, from the most distant and far fetched followers to my close friends and my dearest wife. I am glad to have served, worked with and at some times commanded you fellow qfeasters of amazing imaginations and incredible talents. NOW, FAREWELL MORTALS! MAY YOU NEVER ROLL See More A 1!

NOOOOOOO. Not Neverwinter. Neverwinter Nights! Neverwinter is a cheap and stupid attempt to make a great RPG a tiny and stupid WOW ripoff
on December 07, 2016

It's an MMO, I see...styled in dungeons and Dragons...interesting... I have kept myself away from most MMOs due to the fact I don't like them, but I'll try this one out.
on December 07, 2016

Never played warhammer, but going to be playing one soon by the rumours goin' round at me dads place. A good place to start with basic D&D is Never winter nights 1, which is free on GOG
on December 05, 2016
on December 05, 2016

Aaaaaand my legs are paralysed... again. Well done body, well done.

Remember I made that post way, WAY back about me getting spontaneous paralysis in my legs? Well, it strikes again
on December 01, 2016
on December 01, 2016

Father. *^*
on November 30, 2016