Impure OCs
So now that I'm getting my story out, I would like to see the characters you guys come up with! Just fill out the form and I may add your character to the story. You may also Rp as your character. (It an Rp page anyway) NOTE: Please do not give your character guns or futuristic weapons, as this is a middle earth based story.
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

This page is definitely a place from a far different time for QF and my own life. I was definitely more RP online orientated here back then rather than now. A good page to look back on to see where the origins of various things arose from for sure, and of different times.
on June 30, 2020

on July 16, 2018

Alrighty. Let's not let this die just yet. I do hope for a revival
on May 27, 2018

The sky of the world grows dark as the echoing silence roars across the lands. Clouds of grey form into large blankets of cotton over the sky, leaving enough weight to bring the world craving back down. Soon the weight brings sight to small specks of blue falling from the sky, rain. The forests lay darkened with the scents.
on February 25, 2018

Goooooooooooood Morning everyone is anyone alive?

Yeah. I've noticed. Especially with our two knuckle heads stuck in Faerun. Although I know of a plot way that we could get out of there
on July 28, 2017

on July 28, 2017
on June 29, 2017

I am going to redraw my OC, with the updated things that happened to him that changed his appearance. Joining him this time will be Red, the Red Fox (How creative...). Though light, are the new changes that happened in the RP pong ago, before you made the rules against certain magics still allowed? Tyler basically became a Furry, an anthropromorphic Fox. He's on his last legs of the curse now, and more of the animal side shows due to this. What is your perspective on that?

on February 07, 2017

If I write fanfiction for Impure, make fan art, or maps for the story, I'll be uploading them to DA now.
on February 07, 2017
on January 30, 2017

Gonna type the hell out of these chapter when I next get the chance. I'm sorry its taking so long and I will get them out. I haven't stopped writing at all on this story, just most of it has been in the plot book so I have more to work off of. But I have more to go with now so hopefully I can get this all written.

No problem....and that was very quicker than usual....that doesn't sound grammatically correct..quicker than usual..
on January 30, 2017
on January 27, 2017

I'm sorry to say this Light...but I may have killed the RP page... I have been so inactive on Qfeast for so long that everything has just least here....I could try reviving it again, as that would give me a reason to come back to Qfeast way more often....though I do not know whether it can be revived...
*Holds out old, used medical supplies from the last Impure RP page revives*
Lettuce see where this takes us...
*Holds out old, used medical supplies from the last Impure RP page revives*
Lettuce see where this takes us...

Its not your fault. I blame myself for not updating the story when I needed to. I'm gonna type the hell out of these chapter and try to bring it all back to life. I promise my friend, we do not die this day
on January 27, 2017
on January 26, 2017

If your character could be blessed by one of the three gods, who would it be?
A.) Shade
B.) Morris
C.) Kendrah
A.) Shade
B.) Morris
C.) Kendrah
on January 15, 2017

1best part of the story thus far? Sorry I'm writing it want to see what you guys like in these next few pages

Ehhh it's a hard decision but I'd have to say chap 5 bc I like it when people die //murdered
on December 29, 2016
on December 20, 2016
I have a question! What is the character maximum?
Oh, that's rlly cool!!!
I'll probably just redo the old one, bc I already redid it awhile ago :'>
I'll probably just redo the old one, bc I already redid it awhile ago :'>
on December 08, 2016

Truly its up to you. What I'm doing here is replacing some minor characters with characters people make here as to get the community involved.
on December 08, 2016
Oh, uh, and can I redo one my old OCs here or do you want me to create a new one????
on December 08, 2016

As many as you want, but with as many as the re are they won't all be in the immediate story, but I'm planning on Mali n g other stories after this
on December 08, 2016
on December 08, 2016

RP anyone?
on November 24, 2016

Name: Keiana Tarus
gender: female
age: 17
personality: wild, crazy, hides her nurturing sensitivity, loyal, but mostly antisocial. Lies a bit too much (on contracts because she can only read+write in English or whatever language they use not speak). Never serious except when she is 'hired-out' for her job.
appearance: 17-year-old Shedan girl, black cougar ears and tail, bronze hair covering both of her eyes (HOW DOES SHE SEE IDK) wolf skin dress/tunic, sandals made from the leather See More of stolen Kendred livestock. two katana-sheaths on her back, 4 dagger-sheaths on her right leg, a longsword sheath on her left leg, buckskin pouch for stolen goods with a "hired assassin" symbol on it (circle inside a triangle inside a square with two lines forming an X through it)
Weapon(s): two katanas, a flint dagger, a diamond dagger, an iron dagger, a Spirit Dagger (an enchanted dagger with a spirit trapped inside-makes person nauseous and have hallucinations), a longsword, and magic.
kind-of-not short bio: When she was born, the nurse of the Shedan village she lived in thought she would be a murderer. She left Keiana outside a Kendred village, where she was cared for until they took off the shawl she was wearing and realized she was Shedan, and left her to die. Cougars took her in and raised her. She only knows how to speak and understand Cougar, but can read and write human language. She started stealing from people who came through her Colony's territory, and learned how to use magic and some of the weapons she stole. She is a hired assassin, and has never failed a mission. She requests payment in food and clean drink, because to a wild animal like she thinks she is, money has no meaning.
other info: she can play harps. and uses her skills to 1) get the Cougar Colony's kits to sleep, and 2) lure passing travelers to sleep so she can steal from them. She has a cougar mate (basically boyfriend/husband, they do not distinguish)
gender: female
age: 17
personality: wild, crazy, hides her nurturing sensitivity, loyal, but mostly antisocial. Lies a bit too much (on contracts because she can only read+write in English or whatever language they use not speak). Never serious except when she is 'hired-out' for her job.
appearance: 17-year-old Shedan girl, black cougar ears and tail, bronze hair covering both of her eyes (HOW DOES SHE SEE IDK) wolf skin dress/tunic, sandals made from the leather See More of stolen Kendred livestock. two katana-sheaths on her back, 4 dagger-sheaths on her right leg, a longsword sheath on her left leg, buckskin pouch for stolen goods with a "hired assassin" symbol on it (circle inside a triangle inside a square with two lines forming an X through it)
Weapon(s): two katanas, a flint dagger, a diamond dagger, an iron dagger, a Spirit Dagger (an enchanted dagger with a spirit trapped inside-makes person nauseous and have hallucinations), a longsword, and magic.
kind-of-not short bio: When she was born, the nurse of the Shedan village she lived in thought she would be a murderer. She left Keiana outside a Kendred village, where she was cared for until they took off the shawl she was wearing and realized she was Shedan, and left her to die. Cougars took her in and raised her. She only knows how to speak and understand Cougar, but can read and write human language. She started stealing from people who came through her Colony's territory, and learned how to use magic and some of the weapons she stole. She is a hired assassin, and has never failed a mission. She requests payment in food and clean drink, because to a wild animal like she thinks she is, money has no meaning.
other info: she can play harps. and uses her skills to 1) get the Cougar Colony's kits to sleep, and 2) lure passing travelers to sleep so she can steal from them. She has a cougar mate (basically boyfriend/husband, they do not distinguish)

I can attest to having hair covering both is easier to see than people think...that is if you get used to it..
on October 30, 2016

on October 28, 2016
on October 28, 2016

Meh, I'm bored, and I don't mind if she makes it to the story or not, I just wanna join... Don't mind me.
Name: Amaya
Gender: Female
Age: 15-16
Personality: Might be a threat at first to strangers, hard-working, respectful (or tries to), mostly serious, but has a soft side once close friends with her, a bit shy, but very curious
Appearance: Black hair that reaches a bit past her shoulders, dark blue eyes, slightly tanned, wearing light-carry and somewhat loose clothing, a dark See More green travel cloak to hide her ears and tail, having a belt beside her hip for her dagger and a another belt holder on her back for her spear and sword
Weapon (if any): Spear (with sharpened giant spearhead), dagger, and short sword
Short Bio: She was left into a wolf Shedan village, which no one knows why, how she got there, or even who her parents are. The heavily cursed wolf men took her in, and raised her. She lives in a hidden, small village, and is a watcher over it with some other wolf men, to protect the village, and was cursed into a Shedan.
Other info: She knows how to play the flute, and would sometimes play songs for the wolf men around the campfire when they have a meeting. There is a small pack of wolf men she works with, about maybe five or six. She mostly speaks in a wolf language, but can speak some English, just not very much, since she wasn't very well educated how to speak it.
-Impure Specifics-
Faction: Shedan
Class: Some what between a solder and watcher, a traveller (to get food and supplies from other villages), trader, flute-minstrel (or whatever you call flute players.)
((Shedan only))Animal aspects: Dark brown/black with white tips wolf tail and ears
Name: Amaya
Gender: Female
Age: 15-16
Personality: Might be a threat at first to strangers, hard-working, respectful (or tries to), mostly serious, but has a soft side once close friends with her, a bit shy, but very curious
Appearance: Black hair that reaches a bit past her shoulders, dark blue eyes, slightly tanned, wearing light-carry and somewhat loose clothing, a dark See More green travel cloak to hide her ears and tail, having a belt beside her hip for her dagger and a another belt holder on her back for her spear and sword
Weapon (if any): Spear (with sharpened giant spearhead), dagger, and short sword
Short Bio: She was left into a wolf Shedan village, which no one knows why, how she got there, or even who her parents are. The heavily cursed wolf men took her in, and raised her. She lives in a hidden, small village, and is a watcher over it with some other wolf men, to protect the village, and was cursed into a Shedan.
Other info: She knows how to play the flute, and would sometimes play songs for the wolf men around the campfire when they have a meeting. There is a small pack of wolf men she works with, about maybe five or six. She mostly speaks in a wolf language, but can speak some English, just not very much, since she wasn't very well educated how to speak it.
-Impure Specifics-
Faction: Shedan
Class: Some what between a solder and watcher, a traveller (to get food and supplies from other villages), trader, flute-minstrel (or whatever you call flute players.)
((Shedan only))Animal aspects: Dark brown/black with white tips wolf tail and ears

on October 28, 2016
on October 28, 2016

*Holding defibrillators at the ready*
This page has a tendency to...simply stop being used....interesting...Another revive then..?
This page has a tendency to...simply stop being used....interesting...Another revive then..?

Amaya: *quiet.*
Wolf man: *looks to Amaya.* Get them a place to stay.
Amaya: *nods, then looks to Tyler.* Follow me. *heads to a inn.*
Wolf man: *looks to Amaya.* Get them a place to stay.
Amaya: *nods, then looks to Tyler.* Follow me. *heads to a inn.*
on November 13, 2016

Amaya: *following quietly.*
Wolf man: *walking.*
*They later are taken into a small village, filled with wolf men, some half cursed and looked half human, half wolf, while others looked like furry wolves.*
Wolf man: *walking.*
*They later are taken into a small village, filled with wolf men, some half cursed and looked half human, half wolf, while others looked like furry wolves.*
on November 13, 2016
on October 28, 2016

It feels good to see this page is still alive :)
on October 18, 2016

Um... @tylnapp wanna rp? It's okay if you don't want to...
on October 09, 2016

I don't mind if they make it to the story or not, or even if one of them does make it, but this seemed fun to join, so...
Name: Luka
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Personality: Kind, very curious to new things, hard-working, respectful, tries to get along with people (Especially the Kenderd)
Appearance: Pic
Weapon (if any): Two short swords, or bow and arrows See More
Short Bio: Her parents past away from a unknown disease in her village at 10, so she left quickly before she was next. She was found later by Mika, and the two became close friends since then and now.
Other info: She tries to make enough money to take care of her and Mika, since she has about two jobs. They live in a small, busy village, so Luka and Mika would sometimes leave the village to have breaks or to hang out together. Loves to read, and tries to buy books when has enough money. She sort of has asthma, and can get dizzy or black out if breathes too much smoke. (Or other gases that aren't good for asthma people.)
-Impure Specifics-
Faction: Shedan
Class: Trader, sort of a Blacksmith
((Shedan only))Animal aspect: White fox ears and tail with black tips on them
Name: Mika
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Personality: Curious, calm mostly, mean if in bd mood, intelligent, sneaky, a soft one once get to know her, hatred towards most Kenderds, silent to strangers at first
Appearance: Pic
Weapon (if any): Small Dagger (that she stole from her parents)
Short Bio: She was abused by her parents around 5 to 7, until she ran away, stealing one of her parents dagger to keep herself safe in the outside world. (She never left her house before, so it was new to her) She was captured later and was taken prisoner from some Kenderds for about a year or two, until Luka helped her escape. They were old friends while she was around her parents, and has changed a lot about herself since last time they met.
Other info: She loves shiny or pretty things, and would do almost anything to get it. (Even if it means stealing it.) She is quite sneaky, so she can steal from people easily, but if gets caught from Luka, she would have to put it back before anyone noticed sometimes or get caught on purpose to tell them sorry and the reason why she did it. She is quite flexable, and likes to climb trees.
-Impure Specifics-
Faction: Shedan
Class: Theif
((Shedan only))Animal aspect: Gray and white raccoon ears and tail
Please tell me if I messed up on anything... Just want this to be perfect.
Name: Luka
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Personality: Kind, very curious to new things, hard-working, respectful, tries to get along with people (Especially the Kenderd)
Appearance: Pic
Weapon (if any): Two short swords, or bow and arrows See More
Short Bio: Her parents past away from a unknown disease in her village at 10, so she left quickly before she was next. She was found later by Mika, and the two became close friends since then and now.
Other info: She tries to make enough money to take care of her and Mika, since she has about two jobs. They live in a small, busy village, so Luka and Mika would sometimes leave the village to have breaks or to hang out together. Loves to read, and tries to buy books when has enough money. She sort of has asthma, and can get dizzy or black out if breathes too much smoke. (Or other gases that aren't good for asthma people.)
-Impure Specifics-
Faction: Shedan
Class: Trader, sort of a Blacksmith
((Shedan only))Animal aspect: White fox ears and tail with black tips on them
Name: Mika
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Personality: Curious, calm mostly, mean if in bd mood, intelligent, sneaky, a soft one once get to know her, hatred towards most Kenderds, silent to strangers at first
Appearance: Pic
Weapon (if any): Small Dagger (that she stole from her parents)
Short Bio: She was abused by her parents around 5 to 7, until she ran away, stealing one of her parents dagger to keep herself safe in the outside world. (She never left her house before, so it was new to her) She was captured later and was taken prisoner from some Kenderds for about a year or two, until Luka helped her escape. They were old friends while she was around her parents, and has changed a lot about herself since last time they met.
Other info: She loves shiny or pretty things, and would do almost anything to get it. (Even if it means stealing it.) She is quite sneaky, so she can steal from people easily, but if gets caught from Luka, she would have to put it back before anyone noticed sometimes or get caught on purpose to tell them sorry and the reason why she did it. She is quite flexable, and likes to climb trees.
-Impure Specifics-
Faction: Shedan
Class: Theif
((Shedan only))Animal aspect: Gray and white raccoon ears and tail
Please tell me if I messed up on anything... Just want this to be perfect.
on October 08, 2016

Thought I would do Asena's form for fun... Since I'm bored. And you don't have to add her in the story too.
Name: Asena
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Personality: Calm mostly, kind, may be a bit threatning at first if doesn't know you
Appearance: Pic
Weapon (if any): Scythe, black metal claws, or magic (if needs to) See More
Short Bio: She was a warrior Kenderd name Kila Monset (her childhood past unknown, but was known to be abused by her parents) until she was cursed into a Shedan wolf from a battle from a witch and was taken in as prisoner, her memories erased of who she was before she was changed into a Shedan, and was named Asena. She was forced to be taught how to use (dark) magic, the witch trying to change her into a dark Shedan. But she escaped later on, and lived on her own. She was then found from Catherine, which she took her in and taken care of her.
Other info: She takes care of Catherine, also a witch. She would sometimes travel around to help villages or travel for fun, to explore around.m and see new places, also try to figure out about her past. She has different colored eyes, but would mostly hide her left eye with her hair. She knows dark magic, but tries to learn some good spells that aren't dark or dangerous.
-Impure Specifics-
Faction: Shedan
Class: Taveller (she likes to travel around, but lives at her house), was a warrior
((Shedan only))Animal Aspect: White/light blue wolf ears and tail
Name: Asena
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Personality: Calm mostly, kind, may be a bit threatning at first if doesn't know you
Appearance: Pic
Weapon (if any): Scythe, black metal claws, or magic (if needs to) See More
Short Bio: She was a warrior Kenderd name Kila Monset (her childhood past unknown, but was known to be abused by her parents) until she was cursed into a Shedan wolf from a battle from a witch and was taken in as prisoner, her memories erased of who she was before she was changed into a Shedan, and was named Asena. She was forced to be taught how to use (dark) magic, the witch trying to change her into a dark Shedan. But she escaped later on, and lived on her own. She was then found from Catherine, which she took her in and taken care of her.
Other info: She takes care of Catherine, also a witch. She would sometimes travel around to help villages or travel for fun, to explore around.m and see new places, also try to figure out about her past. She has different colored eyes, but would mostly hide her left eye with her hair. She knows dark magic, but tries to learn some good spells that aren't dark or dangerous.
-Impure Specifics-
Faction: Shedan
Class: Taveller (she likes to travel around, but lives at her house), was a warrior
((Shedan only))Animal Aspect: White/light blue wolf ears and tail

That is new on a Shedan, good description. I know a character whom would love to look at the magic skills and scythe...
on October 05, 2016
on October 02, 2016

I don't mind if my character gets in the story or not, since the creator has so many characters that it might be too much, so its understanding... But this looked fun to join, so... Why the heck not? (I had to read some forms to get what this is about)
Name: Catherine (can't remember her last name)
Gender: Female
Age: 14-15
Personality: Curious to new things, a bit mysterious, protective over the people she cares for, nice, cold if enemy, can be threatening (if you threaten her See More first), sometimes quiet
Appearance: Pic
Short bio: She can't remember what happened to her parents... All she remembers is faint screaming of her mother, fire, blades clashing against each other. (But she lost her parents from a attack on her village as a little girl, around 5) She was weak, cold, and tired from the long walk of escaping, stoping at a nice little house (around 10, since the battle was long and her village was far away from others) to hopefully be taken care of or to stay at for safety for a while. A witch took her in and taken care of her, teaching her to be lady like, good with weapons (mostly swords or daggers, maybe some spells in case), how to fight in battles, and to be careful to trust other people. She sometimes takes walks to explore around, but stays near the witches house in case.
Other info: She is adopted from a witch name Asena, who is a kind witch. Likes to read, and has some abitities like a cat has. She has a cat name Kinza, and the swords her parents gave her, to keep memories of her parents.
-Impure Specifics-
Faction: Shedan
Class: Traveler? Sort of a loner
((Shedan only))Animal Aspects: White cat tail and ears
I dunno if I did bad... Oh well.
Name: Catherine (can't remember her last name)
Gender: Female
Age: 14-15
Personality: Curious to new things, a bit mysterious, protective over the people she cares for, nice, cold if enemy, can be threatening (if you threaten her See More first), sometimes quiet
Appearance: Pic
Short bio: She can't remember what happened to her parents... All she remembers is faint screaming of her mother, fire, blades clashing against each other. (But she lost her parents from a attack on her village as a little girl, around 5) She was weak, cold, and tired from the long walk of escaping, stoping at a nice little house (around 10, since the battle was long and her village was far away from others) to hopefully be taken care of or to stay at for safety for a while. A witch took her in and taken care of her, teaching her to be lady like, good with weapons (mostly swords or daggers, maybe some spells in case), how to fight in battles, and to be careful to trust other people. She sometimes takes walks to explore around, but stays near the witches house in case.
Other info: She is adopted from a witch name Asena, who is a kind witch. Likes to read, and has some abitities like a cat has. She has a cat name Kinza, and the swords her parents gave her, to keep memories of her parents.
-Impure Specifics-
Faction: Shedan
Class: Traveler? Sort of a loner
((Shedan only))Animal Aspects: White cat tail and ears
I dunno if I did bad... Oh well.

That is a good character bio, the weapons are not very specific...but if does give a range of what she could use. This is also one of the first cat Shedan, and one with a lighter pelt as well..Well done.
on October 05, 2016
on October 02, 2016