I'll be on here, just for a bit... But then I will leave, since I think I don't seem to belong here...

I still enjoy RPing with you, and you seem to be quite nice.
on November 04, 2016
on November 01, 2016

It was just a beginning
But I saw it end
Of a love lost story
It was burned in my head
And I try to forget it, I try to move on
But I'm trapped and I realize I was dead all along
Black hearts beat under lungs that bleed See More
From the smoke that licks at your hair
But I saw it end
Of a love lost story
It was burned in my head
And I try to forget it, I try to move on
But I'm trapped and I realize I was dead all along
Black hearts beat under lungs that bleed See More
From the smoke that licks at your hair
on October 18, 2016

Name : Zero (He is nicknamed that, real name is unknown)
Age : 16
Gender (there are monster boys so it can be a boy, also we will make it that female 'squirt' has spirit energy also) : Male
Human or not : Not
S3x addiction or not : Not
Personality : Serious, calm, caring and soft to close friends, hatred towards humans and enemy monsters
Likes : Souls, reading old books to help him about the past, walking, sometimes hanging out with Jay See More
Dislikes : Humans, being bossed around a lot
Weapon : Big sword
What kind of monster?: Reaper
Favorite food : None really
Least favorite food: Sea food
Looks : Pic
Age : 16
Gender (there are monster boys so it can be a boy, also we will make it that female 'squirt' has spirit energy also) : Male
Human or not : Not
S3x addiction or not : Not
Personality : Serious, calm, caring and soft to close friends, hatred towards humans and enemy monsters
Likes : Souls, reading old books to help him about the past, walking, sometimes hanging out with Jay See More
Dislikes : Humans, being bossed around a lot
Weapon : Big sword
What kind of monster?: Reaper
Favorite food : None really
Least favorite food: Sea food
Looks : Pic
on October 18, 2016

This is how I should say it:
Person: You know, curiosity kills the cat.
Me: ... *looks at my cat.* Then how come my cat is still alive?
Pure genius. x3
Person: You know, curiosity kills the cat.
Me: ... *looks at my cat.* Then how come my cat is still alive?
Pure genius. x3
on October 17, 2016

I have known you...admittedly only through our RP, short discussion...but you seem to be a rather nice, well versed, and Skilled RPer whom makes a great RP partner...which can be seen by the amount of RPs you partake in. Like that of a wolf, you are not well known due to your habits...whether by choice or not...you always are on the move...making new stories and RPs at every mountain. Though with every mountain left...you leave a specific scent that others can remember you See More by...and keep in contact through the solemn sounds of your majestic howling, no matter the distance.
I have known you...admittedly only through our RP, short discussion...but you seem to be a rather nice, well versed, and Skilled RPer whom makes a great RP partner...which can be seen by the amount of RPs you partake in. Like that of a wolf, you are not well known due to your habits...whether by choice or not...you always are on the move...making new stories and RPs at every mountain. Though with every mountain left...you leave a specific scent that others can remember you See More by...and keep in contact through the solemn sounds of your majestic howling, no matter the distance.

on October 17, 2016
on October 17, 2016