If you could ask God one question you knew he would answer right away what would it be?
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why do you make us live if the world is so messed up?
heaven is of course better so whats the point in earth life?
heaven is of course better so whats the point in earth life?

How can you do bad in heaven xD
on April 15, 2018

You have to do good in earth to go to heaven
on April 07, 2018
on February 20, 2018
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me: god, are you real ( no offence )
god: GO TO H***
me: god you swear?
god: i can do whatever i want to in heaven have you read the bible
god: GO TO H***
me: god you swear?
god: i can do whatever i want to in heaven have you read the bible
on February 20, 2018
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Why every time I get really good friends somewhere or have the biggest crush ever on someone I have to move or go to a different school or be away from them and why haven't you made my wishes and prayers come true yet or is it because you are waiting for the right time?
on January 07, 2018
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Why Is Life Shit and hard on me why is everything making me feel depressed all the time for me and everyone else
on March 02, 2016
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I honestly don't know... He seems to give us all the answers we need in the Bible, but there is so much more than that. I think, if anything, I would ask him if he ever started to lose hope in all of us, even if he knew all along how everything would play out in the end. If you think about it, humanity is failing God, and we are all responsible in some way. Throughout the Bible, especially in the old testament, we read about how the Israleites constantly turned their backs See More to God, just like we seem to be doing today, and how God constantly punished them in some way, shape, or form, typically in the form of invaders. If you think about it, their history is becoming our everyday life, and we are refusing to learn from their mistakes. So, in doing so, wouldn't you think God would come to lose faith in us like we have in him? He knows what will ultimately happen as well as what is in our hearts, but it seems as though we are setting ourselves up to fail and disappoint him....
on February 25, 2016
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In all honesty, I wouldn't want to know. I think life is nice with a little bit of wonder. And you don't really appreciate the good times in life unless you suffer a little now and then
on February 24, 2016
and we believe that god himself is a boy so