DarkFlame1000's Polls
DarkFlame1000 published 36 polls

Do you like found footage films?

Which is scarier Clowns or Spiders?

Which movie are you more excited for?

Work Hard or Play Hard?

Would you rather live without TV or without Music?

What does the color red remind you of?

Who's stories do you like more: Edgar Allen Poe or Howard Phillips Lovecraft?

Which movie is scarier The Ring or The Grudge?

Would you rather Legally Change your last name to Hitler or Never eat chocolate agein?

Which is your favourite chocolate bar?

Which Freddy do you prefer?

What do you think about the new God of War, announced on E3 2016?

Would you rather explore a new planet or the deepest parts of the ocean?

Thoughts on Playstation Home

What is your Druid Tree sign?

What's your favorite punk genre?

Transformers which side do you choose?

Do you believe that the earth is flat?

Who would you rather see saitama fight in a DEATH BATTLE?