How do you learn Japanese fastest? See, you know the show I like, Glitter force? It has many Japanese versions to it! Smile Precure, Suite Precure, Heartcatch precure, Princess precure, Dokidoki precure... Those are just a few! I want to understand what they are saying in those shows, because they are in Japanese! Can you help me? BTW, I already know what Sumairu Purikura means.
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Just to get it straight there is NO FAST WAY TO LEARN A LANGUAGE no offense don't take it offensive but you would of known this because well you learn English like at 4 and it takes like 4 or 5 years to master it or even more or maybe your first word you start learning English but as you see it takes a long time to learn a language and you need to put the effort in because if you don't well you might forget everything. One of my family members was bilingual she was fluent in French See More and English but since she did not put in the effort to remember French or go to the country enough she forgot French (What I mean by this is that make sure when you finished learning and you have officially learnt the language to visit the country so you don't forget it.) And make sure to get some friends who are learning or who can speak Japanese it gets easier. See I can speak and type English and I am learning Japanese and Tagalog (Filipino) Some of my friends are Japanese, my cousins are Japanese and I have Filipino friends and a cousin who is Filipino.

And if your young that is good because your brain can comprehend the language way better I started learning Japanese when I was 10 and I started learning Filipino last year but I am really studying and siting down this year so I am putting the effort to learn it
on June 03, 2016

See social outlets are useful and you can sign up for classes at Japanese Man Yuta (He can speak English)
on June 03, 2016
on June 03, 2016
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I am learning 2 languages Tagalog, Japanese and of course I know English
Japanese - (日本語 -) (わたし は 日本語 を ならって います と わたし は フィリピン人 ならって います。わたし は えご を はなします)
Tagalog- (Tagalog -) (Ako'y nag-aaral ng dalawang lenggwahe Nihonggo at Tagalog)
Japanese - (日本語 -) (わたし は 日本語 を ならって います と わたし は フィリピン人 ならって います。わたし は えご を はなします)
Tagalog- (Tagalog -) (Ako'y nag-aaral ng dalawang lenggwahe Nihonggo at Tagalog)
on June 03, 2016
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Watashi wa shirimasen...

Huh? I know it is Japanese...
on February 03, 2016
on February 03, 2016