What should I do, im so dead! please help me!!! so there's this girl who is sort of my friend but not really and she has a boyfriend and her boyfriend and I are quite good friends and he's been kind of flirting with me, anyways today when his girlfriend went home he kissed me! I pulled back kind of but I was up against a wall so it was kind of hard. I kind of like him so ive been avoiding him so i don't start liking him too much but today he found me. So anyway please help! should I tell the girlfriend or tell the guy its not ok or what. PLZ HELP ME!
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Don't date him. If he's already cheated on his current girlfriend for you. imagine what he'll do once you two are dating. Spare yourself the heartbreak and don't go for him. There are plenty of other guys in the world. Also, tell his girlfriend. Although she may be mad, she'll get over it.
on December 09, 2014
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I learned with situations like that, that its best to just tell him to leave you alone. Because the girl may not believe you. If you just tell him to leave you a lone, a problem may never rise.

I would just say, your my friend and your girlfriend is my friend. I do not want to put my nose where it doesn't belong ill stay friends with you but we can't be flirting and stuff.
on April 02, 2014
on April 01, 2014
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I think you should tell the guy if you like him or not and then tell your friend what happened.
on April 01, 2014
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I think you should admit to the boy that you don't like him or you think that he's doing something wrong.
If this doesn't work I think you should admit to your friend about the situation.
The first choice saves the boy and the second will save yourself
If this doesn't work I think you should admit to your friend about the situation.
The first choice saves the boy and the second will save yourself
on April 01, 2014
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Don't get me wrong btw I don't do this at all usually. Im not one of those girls who is always tuning other girls guys so plz don't get the wrong idea. I just made a mistake that's all. I didn't want him to kiss me, I was trying to avoid him and do the good friend thing
on April 01, 2014
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You should tell the boyfriend to back off!!!!! But if you absolutely love him, then just try to hang out when no one is around.
on April 16, 2017
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don't date him, and try to only hang out with him when his girlfriend's around. That way, he won't do anything else.
on July 16, 2016
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tell the guy its not ok to be kissing other girls, if he has a boyfriend, he should back off, but if you dont like what he was doing, tell him your feeling about that :)
on July 22, 2015
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just don't worry about it. if he's a cheater then he is not worth itB). i know it can be tempting not to but just ignore him. i know that this is a bit late but she needs to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on June 24, 2015
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Ok this may be late but.. you should get the boyfriend and girlfriend together and have the guy confess
on April 26, 2015