sparklygirlforever asked a question
What kind of music do y'all like? Just wondering :)
on May 29, 2017

Hey, I gotta go people. Be back Later.
on July 25, 2015

OH MY GOSH!! Okay, so I was trying to curl my hair with a brush, and it got stuck in my hair. So I tried getting it out for like 30 minutes. Then my mom found out, and it took another hour to get it out. Then there was a knot in my hair that fell out, but suprisingly, my hair still looks okay. :)

I KNOW RIGHT! Ugh, it was HORRIBLE! It felt like my scalp was ripped out. But it's weird, after brushing my hair a lot, it looks fine now. :D
on July 25, 2015
on July 25, 2015

I apologize for being rude... I don't mean to be rude...

on July 24, 2015

You don't have to follow back or anything like that. I'm trying to be nice, but you have your opinion.
on July 24, 2015
on July 24, 2015

Sparks, I need to talk to you.

Sure, okay. I only blocked her because she was being mean. But, I'll unblock her.
on July 24, 2015

@The_Gir_Army wants to apologize for being mean. She came to her senses to realize that she caused harm. She also wonders if you can unblock her.
on July 24, 2015
on July 24, 2015

Guys, stop trying to P.M. me! I can't use P.M. because my email thing won't let me confirm it, so they don't let me use P.M.
And @the_gir_army, I blocked you for a reason. You were bullying me by calling me names just because I don't support gay rights. I have given you proof that God thinks it's a sin. If you forgot, it's 1 Corinthians 6:9. LOOK IT UP!! I didn't block you because you support, I blocked you because you were being mean about it.
And @the_gir_army, I blocked you for a reason. You were bullying me by calling me names just because I don't support gay rights. I have given you proof that God thinks it's a sin. If you forgot, it's 1 Corinthians 6:9. LOOK IT UP!! I didn't block you because you support, I blocked you because you were being mean about it.
on July 24, 2015

Wow, I'm watching T.V, Eating dinner, and on qfeast all at the same time!! :p:p
on July 23, 2015

Hey, i just made up a quote: "There's not enough weirdos in the world." Like it? Like it anyone? Anyone?? Comment if you like my quote!! :D
on July 09, 2015
on July 09, 2015

CAN ANYONE PLEASE REPLY??? IM SO BORED! I need someone to talk to! Anyone, just reply!:((

pretty good so far, just still missin my cousins. srsly, they were like my brothers! i saw them as brothers, and they saw me as a sister
on July 08, 2015
on July 08, 2015