What's the big deal? What's the Big deal with mlp isn't that show for 2-6 year olds? X-(
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Well, let me explain. There is a large community of people who are older than the target age called bronies, and a lot of them are boys as well. MLP is extremely popular on the internet, and tons of people are obsessed with it. It is a wonderful show and it teaches you about how to treat your friends well and be a good friend to them. If you don't like MLP, then okay. You can be a fan of whatever you want. But just don't go round spreading hate because it's just mean. If you can't See More say anything nice, keep it to yourself. It doesn't matter how old you are. People can love what they want.
on March 31, 2014
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People all have their own opinions and can watch whatever they want to.Don't be a hater because someone likes something different then you.Have you even tried watching the show,If not you have no right to hate.Try watching a episode before you judge.
I personally have watched a few episodes but that doesn't meant that I should be judged just by that.Im sure you have heard of bronies and pegasisters and who knows who they are for all I know thy could be adults.Like I said we all See More have different opinions and you don't have a right to judge it since you might like one thing whilst we like another thing.That doesn't mean you should just go and criticize saying 'THATS THE WORSE YOUR SO LAME TO LIKE THAT' because of that one thing.The same to us meaning we can't do that to you.,I mean how would you feel if we judged you just because of one little thing?!
I personally have watched a few episodes but that doesn't meant that I should be judged just by that.Im sure you have heard of bronies and pegasisters and who knows who they are for all I know thy could be adults.Like I said we all See More have different opinions and you don't have a right to judge it since you might like one thing whilst we like another thing.That doesn't mean you should just go and criticize saying 'THATS THE WORSE YOUR SO LAME TO LIKE THAT' because of that one thing.The same to us meaning we can't do that to you.,I mean how would you feel if we judged you just because of one little thing?!
on April 07, 2014
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I say the nay!

Ya sure but it's very childish and lame! X-(

on December 21, 2016
on March 31, 2014
on March 31, 2014
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god forbid people like something am i right? it doesnt matterthe target audience ( unless you are 8 getting invested in 18+ content) if you like it you like it. also there is no need to hate on others
on May 21, 2020
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Actually I did not watch MLP though it is very famous but not only that show I think every show is for everyone irrespective of the age or gender. So what I wanted to say is that a show maybe very silly to a 6 year old though it is made for kids but a 100 old person can feel it very intresting . Therfore shows which are animated have an age limit from 0-100000----- .(I mean the cartoon shows) . Example: My Dad is 50 but still enjoys the show "tom & Jerry"
on May 22, 2016
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Look I don't watch MLP because I frankly don't like it but I'm not going to hate on it!! Watch whatever makes you happy
on March 31, 2014

Ya whatever!
on March 31, 2014
on March 31, 2014
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Wow ppl just like it BC they can like what ever show they like I'm a 15 year old still watching it BC I love the characters and how everything is.
on May 22, 2016
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no actually its 6-16 :D

were notin hating on the fact that you hate mlp, were hating on how you express your opionion
on June 27, 2014

on June 26, 2014
on March 31, 2014
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thou art a hater!

then... why did you even ask this? whats so great about spreading hate?
on March 31, 2014
on March 31, 2014
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Dude MLP is for freaking little kids NOT teenagers and IM TIRED OF SEEING IT ON QFEAST SO STOP MAKING MLP CRAP

no im not trying to make you mad im just trying to point out that being mean and rude isnt going to get you anywhere.
on June 27, 2014

your opinion, but i really doubt that all of qfeast is going to listen to one little hater post if they really like mlp *shrugs* youre allowed to have an opinion, but i dont think this is the proper way to express it

You can't freaking tell me the proper why to express my feelings. Are you trying to make me mad "I really doubt qfeast is going to listen to one little hater" can't u just stop commenting my things
on June 27, 2014
on June 26, 2014
on June 26, 2014