How do you deal with someone's negative attitude? I've been dealing with someone who is depressed and pessimistic. I'm not exactly an optimist but he's dragging me down and I feel like I have a responsibility to make him happy but that's impossible because he refuses to be joyful! It's so aggravating to deal with someone who can't be happy when all you're trying to do is make him happy! How I am supposed to treat him?
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tell him/her if they won't stop their bad attitude you will not be friends anymore. If its like, all year lab partners, complain to a teacher.
on October 21, 2015
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Did this happen all of a sudden? Like, was it that one day he was all sunshine and rainbows and the next he was a sack of garbage? Because it could be something happened to him, like maybe a family member died, or he has abusive parents. If he is just a negative person who ruins your day then avoid him.
on September 08, 2014
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i am not the most optomistic person but...i think you should make him happy and dont let him ruin ur day girl! (i am a girl if u didn't know XD)

i told him to get lost ---
on July 14, 2014
on July 14, 2014
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You dont treat him no way if he dont wanna be happy then thats him your not suppose to sit around all day been unhappy jest because 1 person is unhappy. i have friends that dont like this girl because of something she did but that was to them she didnt do or say nothing bad to me or about so there for im not going sit around and talk bad about the girl becuase they dont like her. You shudnt be unhappy because he is if he dont like to be happy thats him tell him either cheer or See More leave me along because i like to be happy i like to laugh and i tried everything to make u happy if u dont wanna be happy thats you but im not going sit around to let you drag me down. Jest like that
on May 13, 2014