How do you get a boyfriend? I just really want a boyfriend
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You don't just get a boyfriend!! You wait until the perfect guy comes and chances are he will like u.

Great advice!!!!!
on November 04, 2015
on July 12, 2013
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"Being single doesn't mean I am weak. It means I am strong enough to make myself happy. It means I am strong enough to wait for what I deserve." If you need help 'getting' a boyfriend, you may not be mature enough to handle one. But I think you should find a boy who'd treat you right, first ;)
on April 16, 2013
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Im sorry but you dont need a boyfriend to be happy :)

i get it just dont try to get one let the boyfriend find you usually the guy that you like isnt the best guy
on May 12, 2013

That is definitely true. I didn't find "true love" with my first boyfriend and it is way better to enjoy hanging out with your friends than to stay at home worrying about your boyfriend. I may not have had many boyfriends but my best friend Amanda (Manda.Wizzle on here) has had a lot. Some days she chats with me on gmail after a breakup and cries for hours. I See More thought that since I was in seventh grade I HAD to have a boyfriend but it is really not worth it until you are older. You'll see what I mean.
on May 11, 2013

on April 15, 2013

Yes, she is right. I know that it seems really cool and in fashion, just because everyone else has one, but it's really not that great! It depends how old you are, but you should worry more about your education at the moment. Boyfriends aren't everything. It's highly unlikely that you will find 'true love' in your first boyfriend anyway.
on April 15, 2013
on April 14, 2013
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Aww, love the build a bear pic! Are they yours? I've never had a boyfriend, and don't think I ever want one, but it's different for everyone. There isn't a definite way that works every time. Just be yourself, if someone can't like you for who you are, then they're not worth it. Be polite to them, and smile, good luck! :)
on April 14, 2013
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If you have a crush, try to get closer to him and eventually you could just confess, I skipped the first part XD but he doesn't hate me, I'm his friend and that's all I ask for. But anyways, if you don't have a special one yet, then just wait and focus on your life, you don't need no guy!

same thing with me. We were enemies, then I had a crush on him, told him, crush wore off and we stayed friends, now we are sort-of best friends
on January 22, 2016
on June 19, 2015
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If you just want a boyfriend for the sake of having one, it's not a great route to go down.....I know the feeling though. Go date fictional characters.
on November 02, 2014
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R u serious? You are obvs a Kelly Clarkson fan, so haven't u learned anything about happiness and boyfriends from her songs?
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger,
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cuz you're gone" See More
-Kelly Clarkson
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger,
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone
What doesn't kill you makes a fighter
Footsteps even lighter
Doesn't mean I'm over cuz you're gone" See More
-Kelly Clarkson
on July 09, 2013
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Don't actually follow this advice
Step 1: walk down the hall and spot a cute boy. Accidentally trip and fall when the walk by blocking their way
Side effects
they will probably accidentally step on you
Broken bones
If they don't step on you they will help you up if they don't to bad.
Step 2: flirt with them. If this backfires they will avoide you forever. See More
Step 3: school dance is coming up you: yay! Wait I need a guy to bring me. When cute guy walks by who probably broke your arm start talking to your friend about how you need a date and hint that he is hot. He will probably be scared of you. But might ask you to the dance out of pity
Step 4: if he doesn't ask you on a date after the dance he's trash. Cross his name of your list you tried. Be proud most people don't get past step 1.
Step 1: walk down the hall and spot a cute boy. Accidentally trip and fall when the walk by blocking their way
Side effects
they will probably accidentally step on you
Broken bones
If they don't step on you they will help you up if they don't to bad.
Step 2: flirt with them. If this backfires they will avoide you forever. See More
Step 3: school dance is coming up you: yay! Wait I need a guy to bring me. When cute guy walks by who probably broke your arm start talking to your friend about how you need a date and hint that he is hot. He will probably be scared of you. But might ask you to the dance out of pity
Step 4: if he doesn't ask you on a date after the dance he's trash. Cross his name of your list you tried. Be proud most people don't get past step 1.
on February 20, 2018
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Well I came here for advice as well. I have a crush and I have never had a boyfriend and I dont know how to tell him so I need some advice I don't need to be loved but when you find someone who is right I think that no matter what you think you should go for it I'm just to shy to try if anyone could help that would be awesome thanks!

here are a few steps
1.get close.
2.flirt (but dont make it to obvious.)
3.see who texts the most, if its him give your self 5 points, if its you give none
4.does his torso face towards you if yes give 10 points if no then none See More
5.notice his eye contact is it towards you 20 points no zero
if you got at least 10 points tell him if not use one of these
or try asking him out... (why did i type all of this?)
1.get close.
2.flirt (but dont make it to obvious.)
3.see who texts the most, if its him give your self 5 points, if its you give none
4.does his torso face towards you if yes give 10 points if no then none See More
5.notice his eye contact is it towards you 20 points no zero
if you got at least 10 points tell him if not use one of these
or try asking him out... (why did i type all of this?)
on March 13, 2017
on August 27, 2016
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You don't just 'get' a boyfriend. Take it slow, girl. Find someone you like that hopefully likes you back. Go to a few dances, go out on a date or something, one of you can ask the other if they want to go steady. Like I said before, it's a really slow process.
on July 30, 2016
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...Well, it's the correct way to wait until the guy makes the first move, and "love letters" or notes aren't very reliable, so I would use it as a last resort....with that being said, try to strike a conversation-in private if it makes you uncomfortable-and tell him how you feel....that or just tell him straight up how you like him. Us guys are pretty straight forward, and we are pretty flexible (no offense to you ladies). Be careful in the guy you pick, and one other thing. DO See More NOT mistake a relationship for an understanding. BIG difference. A relationship is if you have a while-lasting crush and you want to do things together. An understanding will be a really big feeling for him (In other words, love) and that itself should be treated more maturely on its own scale. Well....um....sorry to babble on like this! Hope it helps! ^w^U
on January 22, 2016
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Don't just get a boyfriend, or you will be taken advantage of. A guy you like will get close to you if you're not afraid of shy around him. Just be yourself but make sure he's worth it.
on January 21, 2016
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Friend: Hey dere, boys. Dis girl wanna go on a date wit you. I like you. And I know you like me. Ya wanna be a... thang?
Me: Uhm... hey. *blush* Whats up?
Me: Uhm... hey. *blush* Whats up?
on December 18, 2015
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If you really want a boyfriend, you would want him to be the perfect guy , and you can't rush it when it comes to finding him . When you are truly ready and really need one , he will come to you . :D
on November 06, 2015
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If there is someone you have a crush on ask them out, gradually, by talking once you know them a little then ask them out if they say yes talk to to them if its no just walk away (here is the trick BE YOURSELF)
on August 09, 2014
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be yourself and meet people and when you find somone just like you be friends for a couple of months and then ask him but hang out with him a lot or omegle duh. omegle is the quickest way its on all divises
on July 29, 2016