What Religious belief do I hold? So i've puzzled over this for years but I just don't seem to know which religion I belong to.My family is Catholic but I really don't feel Catholic.Muslim customs don't really appeal to me.The Islamic ways aren't me either.I'm just not sure which God I worship.Well,actually for sometime now i've worshipped the Greek Gods telling everyone who denies they're real that they are real,Sacrificing food for Artemis,dedicating myself to praying to Zeus,Poeidon and Hades and reading Ancient Greek Myths.But i'm not sure if the Greek Gods are a religion.Anyone know or are willing to place other religions forward?
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Hi I am similar. I do not believe in God or Jesus. I do believe in past lives, spirits, karma, fate and everything happens for a reason. I do believe we were created but not by God or religion. Yes we may have evolved but why did we evolve to be the creation we are today. I hope this makes sense to some one.
on October 15, 2016
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No idea what you believe but since people are having an argument down at the bottom I just want to say some things. God loves everyone no matter what the check they've done (I should know cos I've done pretty bad stuff) so don't say anyone's stupid, ignorant ,wrong or bad people. If you were a murderer and became a Christian God would forgive you. IT DOESNT MATTER. That's why I'm a Christian, I'm a person who wants unconditional love because I know there's no such thing on earth. See More You might find close to it but God is the real deal. I'm a selfish, lazy person for letting God forgive me and accepting his grace, but I know I can't get to him by my own work. I'm just not perfect and never will be.
So you're kinda confused but keep searching for God whichever way you get to him.
So you're kinda confused but keep searching for God whichever way you get to him.
on February 26, 2014
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You seem suited to atheism. It's okay to not have a religion, i'm an atheist.

Sorry about jrj12 not all Christians are like this, I get what your saying Jrj 12 but it's coming across badly
on February 26, 2014

Haha, no worries, I am not offended at all! Maybe spirituality? That seems appropriate, but it's fine whatever she goes with
on August 24, 2013
on March 21, 2013
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I AM NOT BEING DISRESPECTFUL, PLEASE DO NOT TAKE IT THIS WAY!!! Greek Gods are not real, I'm really sorry to say it to you. But, I'm pretty sure Apollo does not pull the sun across the sky via chariot. Even though back then they worshipped these Gods, part of them knew they weren't real. Literally, the people came up with the myths because they had no other explanation. (It is called MYTHOLOGY for a reason). I'm Christian, but I've learned about different cultures and religions. See More Maybe you just haven't realized who you are yet. Just hang in there, hopefully you'll realize soon. Once again, do not take offense to this-it's my honest answer and I'm not trying to be rude or cruel.

God isn't real. Sorry to say it to you.
That's how what you said would sound like if we said it to you. It's the exact same thing. You can't say "well what I said is different because its true blah blah" because the Greek gods have the same amount of evidence as God to being real.
That's how what you said would sound like if we said it to you. It's the exact same thing. You can't say "well what I said is different because its true blah blah" because the Greek gods have the same amount of evidence as God to being real.
on February 21, 2016

I'm not trying to e rude either, I'm just trying to help her out by hopefully making her understand that they are not real. I mean you can't just go around saying that they are real, people will be super judgmental and think something is wrong or something stupid like that. I had no intention what's so ever of harming her feelings, I just don't want anyone See More caught up in something that isn't true. It's like when you believed in Santa Claus. You truly truly believe in him until one day, you figure out that he isn't real. You're pissed for a bit, but then you get over it. But imagine being in college and still believe in Santa and you're expecting to wake up to presents the next morning in your dorm. And then you wake up and there are no presents. You're probably going to be pissed alot longer than you would have been.
on November 22, 2013

The only problem is that Greek gods have been proven non-existent. There is no sun God pulling a chariot across the sky, just saying. God can't be proven non-existent. There are little things here and there where people are like SEE THIS HAPPENED HE CAN'T BE REAL! But, it is nothing quite as drastic. Also, Greek Mythology is called MYTHOLOGY which literally See More means "the study of myths." Myths, as in NOT REAL. As in MADE UP. It is a dead religion, no one truly follows it anymore.
on November 19, 2013
on March 21, 2013