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Who is your One Direction Boyfriend (1)
on September 10, 2013

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Who is your One Direction boyfriend?
on September 10, 2013

Moony asked a question
Help me pick a song! So there is going to be a Talent Show this year at school.I want t...
on September 04, 2013

OMG!First day of school!So excited.Seventh grade!Almost High School!Woo!Wish me luck! :D
on September 03, 2013

Third story about Jamie and Anne:
Anne is friends with Gregory but Jamie is worried. Anne and Greg. live wild moments together and fall in love but Jamie disapproves of this. She bans her from seeing him. Greg. gets angry and Bellatrix talks to him, telling him that she's her mom. She also tells him that they should dominate the world together because he's got the powers of Lord V
Anne is friends with Gregory but Jamie is worried. Anne and Greg. live wild moments together and fall in love but Jamie disapproves of this. She bans her from seeing him. Greg. gets angry and Bellatrix talks to him, telling him that she's her mom. She also tells him that they should dominate the world together because he's got the powers of Lord V

In the end, she Heals everyone that's injured proving how strong she is. They kiss and they live happily ever after :)
Hope this helps
Hope this helps
on August 28, 2013

He agrees and attacks Hogwarts first. Anne is scared because he's really strong but must understand that she's the only who can stop him. She tries finding him only to fight and kill Bellatrix which maddens Greg. She confronts him and tells him, that what he's doing is stupid and he should stop because she loves him. He ignores this at first but realizes that See More he loves her and ends it.
on August 28, 2013
on August 28, 2013

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Your life at Hogwarts-Sorting & meeting friends
on May 19, 2013

A Very Potter Senior Year is hilarious.Watch it people!
on May 11, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to Brotherly Bonding
Harrys 5th year,Jamies 4th year-Realizations
14 year old Jamie Black was feeling kind of sick.Earlier that day,Crabbe had slipped a Puking Pastel into her lunch."I'm probably gonna barph up my lunch."she muttered as she ran down the hallways."Miss Black what're you doing?It is dinner time in the Great Hall.Presence is manditory unless ill or dead.With the exception of the Hogwarts ghosts."Professor Snape said as he strode over to her."Um...well,I don't feel too well and-"Jamie was cut off as she barphed all over Snapes shoes.Snape sighe...
Read Full Chapter
on May 10, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to Guiding You (Harry Potter Fanfic)
Transformations & Chats
Jamie turned to the one who had spoken.Ron."I'm sorry.I have to get to the Shrieking Shack or..."Jamie trailed off."Or you might hurt someone?"A voice asked.Out of the bushes came a man with sandy colored hair and blue eyes."Harry,Ron,Hermione go take Jamies siblings up to the Burrow.Don't worry,Jamie.They'll be fine."He told them.After they had all scrambled off,the man kneeled in front of Jamie."We thought you were dead."the man admitted.Jamie tilted her head to the side."Who are you?"She a...
Read Full Chapter
on May 10, 2013

What is RBR?

I stands for Record Breaking Rappers (or record breaking rioters) it means we fight haters. So if you have a problem with haters, just ask us to help you. :)
on May 11, 2013
on May 10, 2013

Started a new book today.It's called hostage by Willo Davis Roberts.It's really good.
on May 09, 2013