Are you a cat lover? Find out if you're a feline fan or a hairball hater in this cool kitty quiz maya84760 published on September 01, 2012 Stacked 1/5 Which of the following famous characters is NOT a cat? Cheshire cat Garfield Goofy Sylvester 2/5 When you find a cat hair on your clothes, you... Attack the sweet little old lady sitting next to you on the bus - how dare she share her pet hair with you! Think lovingly of Candy, your prized white persian, who is waiting for you to return with the fresh fish and cream. 3/5 If someone left a kitten wrapped up in a Tweetybird blanket, inside a basket on your doorstep, would you... Say.. aww.. what a cute little baby, don't worry, I will take care of you! Say.. who left this ugly thing on my doorstep? But I think I'll keep the blanket and the basket! Leave me alone you good-for-nothing rat! 4/5 Russian Blue, Abyssinian and Egyptian Mau are all types of.... World Class Water Polo teams Cats 5/5 Which is more intelligent, cats or dogs? Cats Dogs