Moony added a question to the starred list

What do you do when you can't see your bf? :(
on May 04, 2013

I'm going to see a Anne of Green Gables play tonight at the theater in my library.The theater is called John Elliot Theater.Can't wait!
on May 04, 2013

Moony asked a question

Do I have Fairytale Syndrome? I always pretend that Harry Potter,Katniss Everdeen or......
on May 04, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to The really strange,random,awkward,crazy and silly retelling of Harry Potters life
Harry was at the his aunt,uncle & cousins house when she came.Her name was Aunt Large and boy was she LARGE!But on the last night of Larges stay,Harry blew her up.Then he ran away.He found a bus and rode it to the Leaky Cauldron which was a real leaky cauldron.Harry climbed into the cauldron and met the Minister of Magic,Cornelius Fudge.Who was a piece of fudge.Then he went back to Hogwarts.This year the mass murderer,Joking White was on the loose.He sounds nice but he has real anger issues!S...
Read Full Chapter
on May 03, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to The really strange,random,awkward,crazy and silly retelling of Harry Potters life
So,the kid,Harry Potter,was in his room.His uncle was having a very important tax payer come over.Suddenly,a really ugly bat jumped on him."AAH!"He cried.But it turned out that the bat was just a house elf named Dobby.Dobby hated Don & Derpmione and didn't want Harry to go see them at Hogwarts.So,he stole Harry's mail.Harry didn't like this because Don & Derpmione were his BFF's and they even made little candy necklaces for each other.And Harry REALLY wanted his!So he karate chopped at Dobby ...
Read Full Chapter
on May 03, 2013

Moony created a story

The really strange,random,awkward,crazy and silly retelling of Harry Potters life
on May 03, 2013

Anyone who replied to my adoption question please watch this and know that this is how I feel! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZYDOiQ18IY
on May 02, 2013

Moony added a question to the starred list
My half brothers father won't let me see him... UK I am 16 and live with my aunty and c...
on May 01, 2013

Moony asked a question
Anyone willing to help me? I'm adopted.I really want to find out who my biological pare...
on May 01, 2013

Moony asked a question
Do you watch the Next Step?If so,who are your favorite characters? I do.I like Michelle...
on April 30, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to Harry Potter Characters on Facebook
Randomness.But what else did you expect?
Ron Weasley
I love the way the light leaves your eyes,Potter!MWAHAHAHA!
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Harry Potter:...I DON'T WANNA BE THE FIRST TO LIKE!Darn muggle sites telling me what to do.I'M HARRY FREAKIN' POTTER!THE BOY-WHO-LIVED!
Hermione Granger:Ron.Harry.Did you forget to take your calming pills today?
Harry Potter:Yes...
Severus Snape
Is not secretly selling Harry,Ron & Hermione online.
Ginny Weasley,Hermione Granger & 2 others ... Read Full Chapter
I love the way the light leaves your eyes,Potter!MWAHAHAHA!
Nobody liked this.Be the first to like!
Harry Potter:...I DON'T WANNA BE THE FIRST TO LIKE!Darn muggle sites telling me what to do.I'M HARRY FREAKIN' POTTER!THE BOY-WHO-LIVED!
Hermione Granger:Ron.Harry.Did you forget to take your calming pills today?
Harry Potter:Yes...
Severus Snape
Is not secretly selling Harry,Ron & Hermione online.
Ginny Weasley,Hermione Granger & 2 others ... Read Full Chapter
on April 30, 2013

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What kind of shoe are you? (1)
on April 29, 2013

Help me...my brothers are fighting and it's getting violent

Don't know...I just got in.:/I was walking my dog.They are either fighting over the TV remote (unlikely),chores (likely) or who's more important/loved/respected (most likely).They're older than me and if i'm not careful,they may take a swing at me.-_- Brothers!
on April 29, 2013
on April 29, 2013

Moony added a new chapter to Malfoys & Missions
"Draco,how long have you known this?"I asked quietly.Draco hung his head."3 years."He muttered."Oh..."was all I could say.My eyes shone with pain."So...all those times...those times I asked to see my Birth Certificate and Dad...I mean,Sirius,told me a lie about it.So that I wouldn't know?"I asked."Jamie...i'm sorry I didn't show you earlier.I..."He trailed off."Draco.If would have seen this earlier I wouldn't be so bloody angry at you."I yell at him.I throw the papers into his hands and turn....
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on April 29, 2013