Anyone willing to help me? I'm adopted.I really want to find out who my biological parents are but I don't know anything!My adoptive parents named me and I don't know my real last name.All I know is that i'm from Newfoundland.I need help!If anyone,anywhere,anyway knows my parents or can help me find them please tell me!
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1. none of us know your real parents, we don't know who you are.
2. just remember the different between your 'biological' parents and your real parents. Like the below comment, they raised you. They know you.
3. Technically, don't know how it is for you but where I live, adoptive parents aren't supposed to tell the child who the biological parents are until they are an adult so that the child doesn't run off in search.
4. talk to your parents, the might not even know, themselves.
2. just remember the different between your 'biological' parents and your real parents. Like the below comment, they raised you. They know you.
3. Technically, don't know how it is for you but where I live, adoptive parents aren't supposed to tell the child who the biological parents are until they are an adult so that the child doesn't run off in search.
4. talk to your parents, the might not even know, themselves.
on May 01, 2013
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I know you want to meet them but imagine your your present mother? She's had the strength to take you on as one of her own and you're going to dump her? Meet your parents but they were the ones who left you in the first place. You must explain your heart belongs to your mother. The one that's saved you from the streets

I guess I agree with u, but if they want to only MEET them, but still stay with they're adopted parents, I really don't see the.problem...
on November 23, 2015
on May 02, 2013
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I'm adopted too!! And idk my biological parents either, but ik some stuff about my biological parents. I wish I could help, but idk how. Sorry, but good luck! :)
on June 17, 2023
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I'm so sorry, but I can't help u. If u know what year u were adopted, maybe I can use Google, but it's personal info
on November 23, 2015
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I know how 'cause im a orphin you run away 2 newfoundland (where u r from) and be4 that get your real name back thats how i did it but my parents hate me
on May 25, 2014
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Ask your parents what you were named before they adopted you they might tell you, If not call the orphanage your from and say who you are they might be able to find some traces on your name.
on June 16, 2013
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We don't know who u parents r.It really doesn't matter that who ur biological parents r,matter is that how much ur present parents love u just remember that and be happy and cotinue ur life.

on May 02, 2013

e.I am a proud Canadian!I stand tall when other countries or citizens have backed down.My life is family and friends.I need to know my true family.How would you feel like if your life was a lie?How? fact,I can relate to Harry Potter.Not knowing your parents.Wishing so desperately you could see them just once.That,my dear friends,is how I feel!
on May 02, 2013

...It matters to me.I'm going to find them.I'm going to find them if takes all week!All month!All year!All my life!I will not rest until I find my true identity.I'm taking matters into my own hands whether you like it or not.I will search the four corners of this earth if I have to!I WILL find them!Maybe all you people who aren't adopted think that this is idiotic,but See More I don't.I work for what is important to me and that thing that is important to me will be my reward.My earning.I won't sit here and read thes

I don't think it's idiotic. I support u. But remember who has taken care of u ur whole life. I'm not adopted, and idk feels. But I can tell u this: STAY WITH UR HEART!!!! Ask questions, but always know that ur adopted parents love u no matter what.
on November 23, 2015
on May 02, 2013
on May 01, 2013
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Well, it is a good point to ask your foster parents. If they don't want to tell you then wait. They were the ones who loved you. They were the ones who raised you. Does it really matter who your biological parents are? If your biological parents put you up for adoption it's because they wanted what was best for you. When you get older you can find them. But let your parents have you now.
on May 01, 2013
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Get a lawyer. They always help. I think. Hopefully you find them.
on May 01, 2013