Catkitten1200 added a new chapter to A Brewing Storm
Chapter 4
"From this day forward, until you receive your warrior name, you'll be known as Flowerpaw. You're mentor will be Sunheart."
Flowerpaw beamed with pride and happiness as she walked over to her new mentor. She had been here for several moons, and she was now an apprentice!!! Flowerpaw couldn't wait to explore the territory, learn to hunt, learn to fight...
"StarClan to Flowerpaw," Sunheart said with a smile. "It's time for your first lesson, and it is very important!!" Sunheart had asked Frosts... Read Full Chapter
Flowerpaw beamed with pride and happiness as she walked over to her new mentor. She had been here for several moons, and she was now an apprentice!!! Flowerpaw couldn't wait to explore the territory, learn to hunt, learn to fight...
"StarClan to Flowerpaw," Sunheart said with a smile. "It's time for your first lesson, and it is very important!!" Sunheart had asked Frosts... Read Full Chapter
on February 19, 2016

Catkitten1200 added a new chapter to A Brewing Storm
Chapter 3
"Your new name, until you begin your warrior training, will be Flowerkit."
Flowerkit smiled shyly at Froststar, StormClans leader. Froststar was an orange tabby she-cat with deep brown eyes. She had been kind to little Flower, and had chosen to give her a Clan name, while still keeping her old one.
"Ugh, great, will I have to share the nursery with her?!!," Spottedkit growled. "I REALLY don't want to." Spottedkit gave Flowerkit a glare that could kill, then looked with pouting eyes at Spider... Read Full Chapter
Flowerkit smiled shyly at Froststar, StormClans leader. Froststar was an orange tabby she-cat with deep brown eyes. She had been kind to little Flower, and had chosen to give her a Clan name, while still keeping her old one.
"Ugh, great, will I have to share the nursery with her?!!," Spottedkit growled. "I REALLY don't want to." Spottedkit gave Flowerkit a glare that could kill, then looked with pouting eyes at Spider... Read Full Chapter
on January 02, 2016

Catkitten1200 added a new chapter to A Brewing Storm
Chapter 2
As Flower walked into another bramble barrier, another strange cat appeared, this time a strange golden-furred she-cat stepped in front of SpiderClaw.
"Is this Flower? Where are the others?" She asked. Spiderclaw let out a purr of amusement, can't help but thinking that Sunheart, his TRUE mate, had been the first to offer to take care of his kits. "Dead. But Sweetie managed to save Flower. She w... Read Full Chapter
As Flower walked into another bramble barrier, another strange cat appeared, this time a strange golden-furred she-cat stepped in front of SpiderClaw.
"Is this Flower? Where are the others?" She asked. Spiderclaw let out a purr of amusement, can't help but thinking that Sunheart, his TRUE mate, had been the first to offer to take care of his kits. "Dead. But Sweetie managed to save Flower. She w... Read Full Chapter
on October 07, 2015

I love animals

on January 05, 2018

Me too they are THE BEST
on January 05, 2018
on December 24, 2015

Catkitten1200 added a photo to the starred list
Falalalalalalalala. Eat the food and blame the mousés. Falalalalalalalala!

on November 28, 2015

My cousins from Chicago left 2day... I only see them once a year for thanksgiving... I miss them... :((
on November 27, 2015

Ok if u have the new web update for a kindle fire let me know cuz I have it and it's annoying
on November 23, 2015

Catkitten1200 asked a question
Do your parents KNOW that you have a Qfeast Account? Ok, so tell me if your parents ACT...
on November 21, 2015

on November 16, 2015

(And u will always be special to someone!?)
(And u will always be special to someone!?)
on November 06, 2015

I SUPPORT THIS PAGE FULL ON!! SCREW ALL THE PPL OUT THERE WHO ABUSE ANIMALS! but if , let's say a DEMENTED dog was about to harm a loved one, what would u do?:(

on November 12, 2015
on October 13, 2015

on October 11, 2015