Aptitude Test
Are you tired of having non-accurate results on quizzes? Then come to this page! I'll tell you what's happening, you tell me your reactions, and when we're done, I'll tell you your result! To request a Test, go to the bottom of the page. In order to gain membership (the ability to test people) go to http://www.qfeast.com/page/dQHpvi/Aptitude-Test-Membership-Tester.

Aptitude Test: @Rose_the_hedgehog
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*

I have no friends. -_-'
on March 03, 2016

Taylor: Why do people say that all of the time??? It's not just about peace. It's about friendship, trust, and generosity.
on March 03, 2016

I'm not peaceful. If anything- mischevious. Odd..
on March 03, 2016

Taylor: What?
on March 03, 2016

*blinks* Amity? *shakes head*
on March 03, 2016
on March 02, 2016

Aptitude Test: @Goldmoon
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*
on March 02, 2016

Aptitude Test: @Rainbow_Sweater_Unicorn
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*
on March 02, 2016

Aptitude Test: @Dungeon_Master
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*
on February 29, 2016

Aptitude Test: @PiperMcLean4
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*

Taylor: Be careful. Tell everyone that your result was... Um, which one do you want to say it was?
on February 29, 2016

on February 29, 2016
on February 29, 2016

Aptitude Test: @Protectress_The_Wolfhumanlover_RealmProtector
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*

on February 29, 2016
on February 29, 2016

Aptitude Test: @Kukiko_x_Shadow
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*

Taylor: It just means that you're not one of the factions -- you're several. Amity, Dauntless, and Candor.
on February 29, 2016

on February 29, 2016
on February 29, 2016

Aptitude Test: @Jacey_Weasley
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*

(Nothing, really. It's over. You kind of just accept your result and move on and do something else)
on December 29, 2015

on December 29, 2015

Serena: yup, I lived in Dauntless before the test, and I saw the training. I'm glad I didn't get Dauntless
on December 29, 2015
on December 29, 2015

Aptitude Test: @IGotA.R.M.Y
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*
Taylor: Please, sit. *points to chair*
on December 19, 2015

Aptitude Test: @Batman22Owl
Taylor: Please sit. *points to chair*
Taylor: Please sit. *points to chair*

Rylie: Uh, I gues.. I didn't know she was in my simulation; I always though she was a Candor.
on December 19, 2015
on December 19, 2015

on November 21, 2015

Aptitude Test: @Softpaw
Taylor: Please, sit. *gestures to chair*
Taylor: Please, sit. *gestures to chair*

Taylor: *smiles* Don't mention it. I've manually entered Amity as your result, OK? *types something in computer*
on October 29, 2015

on October 29, 2015
on October 28, 2015

Aptitude Test: @Rose_Quartz_Connie_Maheswaran
Taylor: Please, sit. *gestures to chair*
Taylor: Please, sit. *gestures to chair*

Taylor: Well, the most you'd get is three. Anyways, the test is over. *smiles* Bye
on October 27, 2015

Taylor: Because in your test, Amity was completely wiped out, as well as Abnegation. There's a possibility of you getting Candor if you re-took the test, but...
on October 27, 2015

on October 27, 2015

Taylor: *smiles* Almost everyone gets three. Only one person that I've ever tested got one. Two got four. Two is definitely the second most common. I've never tested anyone who got all five -- I'm pretty sure that it's impossible.
on October 27, 2015
on October 27, 2015

Aptitude Test: @Rustpaw
Taylor: Please, sit. *gestures to chair*
Taylor: Please, sit. *gestures to chair*
on October 27, 2015

Aptitude Test: @SonicFanGirl400
Taylor: Please, sit. *gestures to chair*
(I may have to stop soon, just a heads-up)
Taylor: Please, sit. *gestures to chair*
(I may have to stop soon, just a heads-up)

The snakes snap at your heels, venom sinking into your veins. It feels like burning acid is running up your leg. You...
on October 27, 2015

You manage to struggle out of your harness and grab on to the rope. It starts swinging violently; it's all you can do to hold on. When it slows a bit, you realize that you have two options: go down and face the snakes, or climb back all the way you've come.
on September 26, 2015

After awhile of riding, the zip line starts to creak. You're zooming closer and closer to the ground as the line speeds on.
on September 26, 2015

You're suddenly sliding down a Dauntless zip-line. There's absolutely no end; it goes on for infinity. You have to get off, but below you (several hundred feet) are hundreds of hissing and spitting snakes.
on September 26, 2015

Your hand numbs and you drop the knife. You see blood oozing through the water, but the stinging tentacle wisps along your right leg anyway, making you shout in pain.
Your hand numbs and you drop the knife. You see blood oozing through the water, but the stinging tentacle wisps along your right leg anyway, making you shout in pain.
on September 26, 2015
on September 26, 2015

Aptitude Test: @Parabolic
Taylor (Your Tester): Welcome to the Testing room. Please have a seat. *gestures to chair in the middle of the room*
Taylor (Your Tester): Welcome to the Testing room. Please have a seat. *gestures to chair in the middle of the room*

Taylor: *smiles* Actually, no. Only two people have ever gotten a single result. And only one - or maybe two - person has ever gotten four results. Three is the most common.
on September 26, 2015
on September 25, 2015

Aptitude Test: @Applewolf_The_Wolfhumanlover
Taylor (Your Tester): Welcome to the Testing room. Please have a seat. *gestures to chair in the middle of the room*
Taylor (Your Tester): Welcome to the Testing room. Please have a seat. *gestures to chair in the middle of the room*

Taylor: *blows a hair out of her face* It's actually a kind of complicated process. I kept putting you through tests, and slowly, you started to eliminate the other factions as options and show an unusual attachment to Dauntless. You're one of the most 100% punk Dauntless I've ever tested.
on September 25, 2015

on September 25, 2015
on September 25, 2015

Aptitude Test: @ctaylor2
(I apologize; I had to leave qfeast for awhile. I'm back, sooo...)
Taylor (Your Tester): Welcome to the Testing room. Please have a seat. *gestures to chair in the middle of the room*
(I apologize; I had to leave qfeast for awhile. I'm back, sooo...)
Taylor (Your Tester): Welcome to the Testing room. Please have a seat. *gestures to chair in the middle of the room*
on September 25, 2015

Aptitude Test: @KittyGirl381
(I apologize; I had to leave qfeast for awhile. I'm back, sooo...)
Taylor (Your Tester): Welcome to the Testing room. Please have a seat. *gestures to chair in the middle of the room*
(I apologize; I had to leave qfeast for awhile. I'm back, sooo...)
Taylor (Your Tester): Welcome to the Testing room. Please have a seat. *gestures to chair in the middle of the room*
on September 25, 2015

Aptitude Test: @Naomi_Nakashima
(I apologize; I had to leave qfeast for awhile. I'm back, sooo...)
Taylor (Your Tester): Welcome to the Testing room. Please have a seat. *gestures to chair in the middle of the room*
(I apologize; I had to leave qfeast for awhile. I'm back, sooo...)
Taylor (Your Tester): Welcome to the Testing room. Please have a seat. *gestures to chair in the middle of the room*

Lawyer: Naomi? What happened? Did you see her breach the wall?
(Oh, and in case it's not clear, she made you swear to never tell anyone about the blackmail, nothing about the actual breaching of the wall)
(Oh, and in case it's not clear, she made you swear to never tell anyone about the blackmail, nothing about the actual breaching of the wall)
on October 27, 2015

(OMG sorry I have to go already... sosososo sorry! I'll finish this as soon as I can!)
on October 01, 2015

(Oh my gosh sorry I keep forgetting everyone's Aptitude Tests! Sorry!)
You're now in a Candor Trial (not under truth serum, or maybe it doesn't affect you). Seiko is accused of breaching the wall, which you know is true. She told you why (she was being blackmailed) but she made you swear to never tell anyone else. She was caught. As a witness, you're about to See More testify.
Lawyer: And now Naiomi is going to give her eyewitness account as to what happened.
You're now in a Candor Trial (not under truth serum, or maybe it doesn't affect you). Seiko is accused of breaching the wall, which you know is true. She told you why (she was being blackmailed) but she made you swear to never tell anyone else. She was caught. As a witness, you're about to See More testify.
Lawyer: And now Naiomi is going to give her eyewitness account as to what happened.
on October 01, 2015
on September 25, 2015