*sigh* I have this friend that isn't being herself and it is making me heart broken...c-can you help me?(Completed!~) I am really worried about her... w-what if were not friends anymore? We diddn't had a big fight..it all started with this news thing on Doctor who. She got really mad about it and told me about it which I don't even know Doctor who.. and that's where it hit it....I just want her to be herself happy and running and playful and stuff and m-maybe Rp again!~*crying* b-but I just don't know... I am worried... p-please h-help? (Well I got the problem solved!~ but since I bet you guys got good advice I will keep this on just in case if someone has the same problem!~)
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All I can say is talk to her 1 on 1 about her. Explain to her in her face what she is doing and explain that u miss the old her and that u don't like who she's becoming now. Ask her why she's changing and if she doesn't reaping don't take it to bad, just reassure her and tell her that ur her friend and u want what's best for her and that ur gonna be there for her no matter what. I hope this helps I hope and wish u and ur friend the best
on April 03, 2013
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By the way I know this was ages ago- I just like answering questions.
on August 10, 2013
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Talk to her and explain that you don't like the person she's being and that you miss the old her. Ask her if there's anything upsetting or worrying her that makes her act different.
on August 10, 2013
I will be talking to her tomarrow at school about it~ I might even talk about it at Facebook!~ thank you!~