Have you ever been hurt by someone so many times that you feel like giving up? I know I have, many times, by lots of people. What about you? Have you ever felt abandoned from your own opinion? Abandoned from friendship? Ever feel really hurt?
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ya i was bullied physically and i was used by the same person because of her 4th grade was the worst grade of my life she bullied my entire class she used all of us and it hurt in the cl;ass we had someone crying at least once a day i didnt like it i found out she used everyone on the last two days of school i never got the chance to stand up to her :(

; )
on April 01, 2013

ya i know im just glad that she does not go to the same school as me
on March 29, 2013

Aw ; (
on March 28, 2013
on March 28, 2013
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Yeah by my ex and a couple ex friends of mine =( my ex told me that I wasn't good enough and that hurt rly bad and my ex friends turned theory backs on me
=\ but I moved on and I'm doing better
=\ but I moved on and I'm doing better
on March 27, 2013
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Everyone has and it's apart of life. Our struggles aren't what makes us who we are, it's how we react and how we learn. Wen your hurt there's a lesson to be learned there.

It's what you do after that counts. Not what happened is what I wanted to say.
: )
: )
on March 27, 2013
on March 27, 2013
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yes yes i have but im the type to keep all my feelings locked up cuz their r people around me that needs me to console them. so i cant be weak. WHAT DOESNT KILL U MAKES U STRONGER!
on May 22, 2014
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Yes. My friend. Well, she is not my friend anymore. The answer to all those questions is YES. That dog picture is really sad.:(
on June 27, 2013
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Hurt, huh? Yea plenty, by a boy, my friends and sometimes even my family. I'm a 3rd wheel, I don't belong, I've been told I love you and it was taken away so easily.
on June 24, 2013
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My friends used to hurt me over and over again, leaving me out, talking about me behind my back, spreading rumors. I told them how I felt and it got worse. They called me a bully, jerk, mean, stupid, selfish. I cried in the bathroom for entire periods. I became suicidal. I came home and cry. My parents kept trying to talk to me but I didn't want to talk. At school I kept my head down. I had to miss school because it was bad. I was getting bullied by boys in my class as well. They See More shoved me in the hall ways and called me names. I talked to the counselor several times but nothing got better. I went to a psychologist because I never got happy even after my friends stopped being mean to me. I didn't really trust them anymore. It's better now.
That's the first time I've shared the entire story
That's the first time I've shared the entire story

thank you. I've been waiting to hear something like that :) One of my friends that this started with (everyone else just jumped onto her side) we talked it over and now we're going to sleep away camp together
on June 19, 2013
on June 18, 2013
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Yes. Always. I was bullied my whole life for being fat and I changed myself because of what other poeple thought. I wanted to die, but I stuck through it. My bestfriends always drift apart from me slowly and never stay loyal to me.
on June 03, 2013
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Well I am thinking about Ruth because I was a good friend of hers and then she stopped phoning and talking!
Whats up with that?
Whats up with that?
on March 29, 2013
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Yes.. :'(

to the third comment-that has happened to me too, but it worked out in the end. Now we are all friends:D Except I didn't move
on June 27, 2013

It was my best friend, one of my friends stole her away.. I felt so abandoned but you know we moved and I will take her advice! :)
on March 28, 2013
on March 28, 2013
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My family.....
They never listen. They get mad at me easily. I just want some understanding and then they criticize me.
And as for the world.... they arn't very nice either.
Qfeast had practically all the people I care about and trust on it.
I love you guys soo much. You save my sanity.
They never listen. They get mad at me easily. I just want some understanding and then they criticize me.
And as for the world.... they arn't very nice either.
Qfeast had practically all the people I care about and trust on it.
I love you guys soo much. You save my sanity.
on September 24, 2017
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Yes, many times. All the time I fell I'm not worth liveing actually....
on December 18, 2015
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No, I can shrug it off. I been through that so many time, I don't care, that's why lots of people say I'm a good kid. Even when I was at different country...even a guy from a different religion at an airport...and I'm showing off again, aren't I? I'd better quit while I still look sane...
on October 01, 2013