my all besties!!! wish u a happy new year!!!!!! 2015~!~!~!
~sent this to a qfeaster who is ur a bestie!
~started by @jafrin !
~sent this to a qfeaster who is ur a bestie!
~started by @jafrin !
on December 31, 2014

Your you and your awesome and there will never be anyone like you or a taco don't stop believin!
Started by:Jasminethefox
Share this to someone who you think is special. O:-)
Started by:Jasminethefox
Share this to someone who you think is special. O:-)
on December 16, 2014

sent this to a qfeaster who is behind of this chocolate eating!!
~started by @jafrin
sent this to a qfeaster who is behind of this chocolate eating!!
~started by @jafrin
on December 15, 2014

Pokey pokey! *pokes you*You've just been poked! Now go poke all of your friends!!
~Started by FandomLover
~Started by FandomLover
on October 26, 2014

happy birthday blackdragon112!!!! :D you are an amazing bff!!!!
on July 11, 2014

blackdragon112 added a new chapter to Kyra

chapter 9
Kyra stepped forward nervously and looked at the two figures standing in the doorway then to the cat " w-who are you? " the cat just smiled. she shrugged " i-i guess i could...no place to call home anymore.. " the figure in back clapped his hands together excitedly. they moved back to let her out, the cat followed. " so really, who are you " she could now see the figures wore orange and the one that was in back had a white and black mask on, the other had his hood on and all she could see w...
Read Full Chapter
on June 30, 2014

blackdragon112 asked a question

Ghosts???? i think there might be something haunting my house, how can i tell what it is?
on June 19, 2014

blackdragon112 added a new chapter to Kyra

chapter 8
Kyra ran through the busy streets of town into the forest. She looked up at the darkening sky and sighed. She climbed up a thick tree to a long branch, she sat down listening to the crickets chirp. The smiling red and black cat sat above the branch above her. Kyra wiped a tear away from her eye and leaned against the tree and fell asleep just as the moon appeared in the sky.
She woke to find a few freshly picked strawberries next to her. She yawned and picked them up cautiously. She shrugge... Read Full Chapter
She woke to find a few freshly picked strawberries next to her. She yawned and picked them up cautiously. She shrugge... Read Full Chapter
on June 08, 2014

Omg, did you see McDonalds new mascot? Its terrifying!
on June 06, 2014

blackdragon112 added a new chapter to Kyra

Kyra's eyes faded back to normal, her talons shrunk to fingernails and her teeth returned to normal. She looked at the blood on her hands and at the wound in her arm, her knife fell to the ground now a normal kitchen knife. "oh gods.." she took a shaky step back, her frightened eyes trained on Makayla's dead body. "what did i do..." she whispered and ran out of the forest as fast as she could.
She stopped at the sidewalk in front of her house, her broken arm hurt with every move and the gash... Read Full Chapter
She stopped at the sidewalk in front of her house, her broken arm hurt with every move and the gash... Read Full Chapter
on June 04, 2014

blackdragon112 added a new chapter to Kyra

chapter 5
Kyra ran from class to class, after lunch everybody rushed outside to play. Kyra walked to a log laying down farther away from the play grounds. She sat there silently watching. A few of the girls from her class walk over to her her, the tallest one in the middle had long blonde hair tied up in a high ponytail, the others had theirs the same.A younger red-haired girl followed close behind the 3 older ones.
"What do you think your doing!?" the blond one said glaring at kyra "you still haven'... Read Full Chapter
"What do you think your doing!?" the blond one said glaring at kyra "you still haven'... Read Full Chapter
on June 03, 2014

blackdragon112 added a new chapter to Bloodclan

The test 1
Rose yawned, her eyes fluttered open. Speck sat not to far away with a dead mouse in her jaws, she threw it at roses feet. "eat." she grumbled before looking up at the large rock, Dusty looked even scarier in daylight. His gray and black calico coat was dull compared to his large dog claws over his cat ones. His eyes drifted to Rose and speck. "umm, so whats this test?" Rose asked curiously. "the test? oh, you must fight one of the dogs in the houses around here, if you can get one of its cla...
Read Full Chapter
on May 31, 2014

blackdragon112 added a new chapter to Bloodclan

Rose jumped down from the fence landing softly on the sidewalk, a monster roared past sending her running in fear. she stopped in front of a graveyard, the moon shone down on a white she cat with black and brown spots. "what are you doing here?" she made her way down the hill to where Rose was standing. "i-im looking for bloodclan.." she replied nervously. "bloodclan eh? well you've found it all right. names Speck, now where is your twolegs, you have a collar" she points a paw to the black co...
Read Full Chapter
on May 31, 2014