Ghosts???? i think there might be something haunting my house, how can i tell what it is?
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You hav to call Sam and Dean!!! Get salt and iron!!!
Now. Okay, might be if theres happening something weird..
Now. Okay, might be if theres happening something weird..

Sam and Dean?

You obviously dont watch supernatural :p
on June 20, 2014
on June 20, 2014
on June 19, 2014
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my personal way:
1.get a candle!
2.go into a room by yourself with no windows/airvents/fans on/open
3.Light the candle
4. say 'flicker the flame for yes leave it for no'
5.ask questions
1.get a candle!
2.go into a room by yourself with no windows/airvents/fans on/open
3.Light the candle
4. say 'flicker the flame for yes leave it for no'
5.ask questions
on July 13, 2020
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well you will know that there is somthing that is in your hose then you will hear thing like me and see thing like me two and let me see um... idk that is all i have sorry i will gat back to you asap!
on June 05, 2019
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ok so now... my pet Stormy the ferret is on punishment for trying to steal school supplies...
on May 11, 2019
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idk what is haunting your house, but i sure know what is haunting mine! XD its my pet ferrets! yes they steal my socks...
on May 11, 2019
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Tell me what it is you keep hearing and seeing etc I help people with that stuff and ...yes I am a medium !
on September 14, 2016
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Ik something's in my house because I've seen it .... How you know is if you are going to sleep and see a shadow disappear behind somthing or hear something and check it out but nothing wrong !O:-)
on September 14, 2016
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Yeeee, I agree... A few days ago... I saw a big black thing looking out my glass door at night watching me..... He had many arms....
But I also saw a huge thing that was black run past my glass door in a second, like Flash. But, it didn't make any noise.....
But I also saw a huge thing that was black run past my glass door in a second, like Flash. But, it didn't make any noise.....
on August 30, 2016
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Just leave them alone. They mean no harm. If the haunting keeps up, and you don't feel comfortable,just let me know. DO NOT USE A Ouija Board!! Ghosts hate them. NEVER CHALLENGE A GHOST!! If you feel cold in one place, it's a ghost. If you see a strange shadow, it's a ghost.. If you hear something weird, it's a ghost. Why do you think your house is haunted? It'd help if ya told me ;). You see, ghosts are on this planet because they either have unfinished business, or their loved See More ones didn't come down from Heaven to get them. The most common kind of ghost is a little girl. If you hear crying, it's usually a little kid or a baby. Other ghosts include teenagers, kids, babies, adults, elderlies, or even animals. I think I'm haunted. I named all of my ghosts, and let them follow me all around. I am most fond of Lilia, Jacqueline, and Maggie. I am also, like, the biggest horror fan I know XD. As you can see, I take this extremely seriously. Hope that helped!!

I agree my friend did that but I saw the board and smacked it out of her hand and said " are you trying to anger these spirits or make them sad ?! " so I was as upset as the ghost would've been !
on September 14, 2016

No way! I'm the biggest horror fan!
on May 27, 2016
on October 31, 2014
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What do you think is the haunting? I might be able to help if I know!

my friend thinks it might be a ghost or demon
my mom and a few other people that come to our house say they feel a big fluffy animal rib up against their leg when there isnt anything there
my mom and a few other people that come to our house say they feel a big fluffy animal rib up against their leg when there isnt anything there
on June 20, 2014
on June 19, 2014
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GHOSTS AREN'T REAL!!! You might be imagining things so if you are, be careful. Remember anything can happen in your imagination so you could get really scared. So... just.... call ghostbusters or something?
on March 15, 2017