

this is several years in the future, with a blood thirsty clan on the edge of battle with Airclan, a young she-cat finally finds her evidence.

published on May 31, 201421 reads 12 readers 3 not completed
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Chapter 2.


Rose jumped down from the fence landing softly on the sidewalk, a monster roared past sending her running in fear. she stopped in front of a graveyard, the moon shone down on a white she cat with black and brown spots. "what are you doing here?" she made her way down the hill to where Rose was standing. "i-im looking for bloodclan.." she replied nervously. "bloodclan eh? well you've found it all right. names Speck, now where is your twolegs, you have a collar" she points a paw to the black collar and bell around her neck.

"I dont know, im kinda lost now" rose took a step back, eyeing the blue collar with 3 dog teeth stuck in it to show speck was a first year warrior. "well, this is no place for a young she-cat to be. come" she let her tail tip rest on rose's shoulder. Rose blinked a few times and started to walk over the hill with Speck.

As they rose over the hill, Rose's eyes widened. Several cats laid under the tombstones, some had scars that reflected light from the moon, and some were just kits. A big rock jutted out from over the on hill, a large calico tom with a red collar that had several teeth and claws pushed through it sat on the edge. his light grey pelt turned white in the soft light from the moon behind him.

"Whos that?" she points at the tom curiously. "thats Dusty, he is the clan leader". Speck led her down the hill, a few of the cats waved hello, their long and deadly claws unsheathed. "Dusty...i bring you a kit, a lost one. i ask your permission to keep her here and train her to be one of us". Dusty looked over his dog claws bored "if she passes the test" he said after a long pause. "but she is young! how will she survive the test?" Speck gasped and rose shifted her weight from paw to paw nervously. "i said, she will take the test." dusty said,  annoyed because of Specks reaction. Speck nods sadly and lead rose away from the large rock and they curled up under a small tombstone far away from the rock.
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Comments (3)

Bone is DEAD. And I kinda like it! First time I was in Bloodclan, he was all over me and annoying me! I love Scourge, not u, Bone!
on August 07, 2015
thanks frost! ^^
on May 31, 2014
Awesome! You also portrayed Speck really well! =^.^=
on May 31, 2014