chapter 5

"What do you think your doing!?" the blond one said glaring at kyra "you still haven't repaid me" the blond one crossed her arms and just started to walk closer when the bell rang. "this isnt over.." they turned and disappeared into the mob of students, the red haired one glanced behind her before following.
Later, Kyra walked home. she glanced at the forest and sighed when her house came into view. Hands grabbed her from behind dragging her into the forest. She kicked at who ever was holding her but the person held strong. Kyra looked up, the blonde one was standing there, her 2 minions held onto both her arms.
The blonde girl unsheathed a long knife and held it under kyras chin "told you i would get you back" she laughed. the blond girl smirked slicing open kyra's arm, blood instantly turned the grass red, Kyra clenched her teeth, trying to shut out the pain. "i-i think thats enough...Makayla." the red haired girl whimpered. "enough? oh im just getting started" makayla smiled evily. Kyra felt the knife dug in between her ribs and fell to her knees, the girls didnt stop her.
Makayla looked kyra over. blood poured from the gash in her arm and side. Kyra struggled to her feet, the pain starting to make her dizzy. Kyra lunged for the knife in her hand, grabbing it. Makayla stumbled back smiling "oh ,you going to play this game huh?" she tackled kyra, snapping a bone in her arm. Kyra struggled to breath, the spider bite throbbing painfully. She screamed as her teeth sharpened themselves and her fingernails grew long like talons, her eyes turned black and stared at Makayla, 2 soft dots appeared under her eyes and she blinked a few times. Makayla backed up nervously.
Kyra cracked a few bones in her neck after standing up. the knife turned into a curved blade that had a wooden handle, she slashed open makayla's neck. Makayla fell to the ground slowly dieing. Kyra gave her a insane grin and a thick black substance ran out of the corner of her mouth. "thats for hurting me, and this is for being a idiot" she reached into her chest and pulled out her heart, turning to the other 3 staring in shock and horror. "your next..." she cackled watching them run off.
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