What breed of dog would fit my family? We have a big house but a huge pool in my backyard so we need a dog who can swim.We also have 6 family members.Me,my sister,my 2 brothers,my mum and my dad.The type I really want is a boxer or Labrador/Dalmation mix but i'm not sure if they'll fit in with my family.I despretately want a dog but my parents won't let me have one until I pick our 'just right' breed.Can someone tell me a breed that will go well with us?
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a labrador can swim because they come from newfoundlands which are the best swimmers!
Labradors are popular and cheap and just the right size you want!
Labradors are popular and cheap and just the right size you want!
on March 25, 2013
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Irish water Spaniels I guess are pretty good swimmers, and they have a remarkable bond with kids!
on March 25, 2013
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German Shepard they are sweet kid friendly dogs they can grow to be up to 4 feet tall but they are really really sweet and really really like scary smart dogs they can swim too.
on June 16, 2013
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A German Shepard. I've had 4. They are beautiful,energetic dogs. I would suggest a female as males can be aggressive. They love to swim (my dog swims in the Ohio river, with a life jacket of course). They are fairly easy to train. Mine knows sit,down, heel, stay, and come. We teach him in German since he is a German Shepard. He is our first male German Shepard and I really love him. I wouldn't recommend this dog if you have children under the age of 8 though because they can get See More big. You should have a large fenced in yard to because they love to run. I hope this helps.
on June 11, 2013
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well I have a stand against the people who said Labradors (Sorry) Just because she has a pool doesn't mean she needs to have the best swimming dog out there. and Labradors are energetic and CAN BE hard to train. So mostly all dogs can swim, so thats not a problem ( or a big one any way ) Heres some larger dogs : Boarder collie ----> ( smart,quick learners, calm) <------ Poodle (same) - - - ( than theres standard poodle, miniature poodle , and toy poodle ( Size and color very) See More and the boxer sounds great 4 ur family 2 . Smaller dogs: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel ( good all round) and the Boston Terrier ( bonds with kids, great family dog, but should keep busy chewing is a possible out come of bordom . O and pugs but they tend to be less graceful swimmers. Hope this helped.
on April 19, 2013