My parents won't let me be homeschooled Please help! I used to be homeschooled and loved it. We moved and my parents sent me to a public school. Everybody there is SO mean and calls me cruel names that hurt me. They also call my family names (my parents don't know.) I tried talking to my family, but they said it was a good school. I MISS my homeschooling program and cry alot. Please give me a way to convince my parents to homeschool me! Please! ;(
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All I say is, kids are cruel. Try to find the one kid that you connect with. People pick on the kids that are alone.
on April 03, 2013
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The Thing Is, that the bullies probably have something going on in there life, they do this to make themselves feel better!
So The Best Thing To do IS, Every time the call you names, Give them a smile and walk away.
Eventually, The figure that they can't mess with you. and they leave you alone. <3 :D
So The Best Thing To do IS, Every time the call you names, Give them a smile and walk away.
Eventually, The figure that they can't mess with you. and they leave you alone. <3 :D
on April 15, 2015
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I guess you have to learn to survive like the rest of us. See school is a part of life that teaches you how to deal with difficult people and things.
School helps you learn more than book smarts, maybe your parents know that . . . maybe they just want more for you than what your home-school program can offer? Try to understand.
School helps you learn more than book smarts, maybe your parents know that . . . maybe they just want more for you than what your home-school program can offer? Try to understand.
on May 23, 2014
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The thing is, that the bullies probably have somethig going on in there life,and we ALL know what i am about to say next, they do this to make themselves feel better!
So you should try atleast talking to them, be nice, and DO NOT question what is going on at home, where as, some bullies are just big snobs!
And the way to deal with snobs is to ignore them, belive me!
I had my BEST FRIEND bullying me!
So, what i did was that I actually talked to my other best friend about it, and See More my parents, and they toled me to just ignore her, and it worked! we dont talk or anything, and my life has become better, so do make sure to pore all you have to say to anyone you trust, and i hope it all gets figured out!
So you should try atleast talking to them, be nice, and DO NOT question what is going on at home, where as, some bullies are just big snobs!
And the way to deal with snobs is to ignore them, belive me!
I had my BEST FRIEND bullying me!
So, what i did was that I actually talked to my other best friend about it, and See More my parents, and they toled me to just ignore her, and it worked! we dont talk or anything, and my life has become better, so do make sure to pore all you have to say to anyone you trust, and i hope it all gets figured out!
on April 22, 2013
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You should try to find some friends at the school your at, because honestly, the real world isn't any better. In homeschool, you aren't really around people your age so when you DO get a job later, you won't know how to socialize with your workmates. Tough it out, and don't pay attention to the bullies. If you ignore them, they will eventually stop and move on. If it doesn't quit then tell a teacher or your parents. If your parents say 'no' to the homeschooling then there's See More probably a reason why. Just ask them exactly 'why' they wont homeschool you, then maybe you'll understand. Unless it's a dumb reason, you should just stick with public school. It's probably not as bad as mine. Someone made a kill list and they got suspended for two weeks. Alright. Hope this helps:)
on April 03, 2013
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Well, sit your parents Down and talk to them about it. Tell them what the kids are doing at school and how there being mean. Tell them how u want ur home school program back u were use to it and loved it and stuff.
If this doesn't help, talk to your school counselor and talk to her/him about your problems at school. And see if she or he can call it parents in so u all can sit down and talk 1 on 1 about it. This way your parents will do nothing but to listen to u and understand See More what's going on and understand why you want to be home schooled again. Those are my only 2 options for u. I hope they both help, if not I'm sorry so sorry and I wish u nothing but the best and luck in the future. =\
If this doesn't help, talk to your school counselor and talk to her/him about your problems at school. And see if she or he can call it parents in so u all can sit down and talk 1 on 1 about it. This way your parents will do nothing but to listen to u and understand See More what's going on and understand why you want to be home schooled again. Those are my only 2 options for u. I hope they both help, if not I'm sorry so sorry and I wish u nothing but the best and luck in the future. =\
on April 03, 2013