Who has heard about Amanda Todd? I heard about her today, a teenager who committed suicide. It's really sad. :'( She did it because she was bullied and all. :( It's really tragic, but I wanna know if anyone has heard about her or saw her one video when she explained the tragedy before she committed suicide? I didn't watch the real video, I watched 'Teens React'. This one girl was crying. I can't believe it, but it just shows how cruel bullies are. :'(
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its sad, though i never saw it, judjing by the comments:((. But remember she is in a better place now O:-). R.I.P :((:((:((. I HATE BULLIES X-(

on April 12, 2014
on April 11, 2014
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on March 21, 2014
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I watched it. It's not nice. I mean she had nobody, if only I could have , met her and helped her. It's sad to hear that someone has nobody, I wish everyone was happy but life isn't always grateful.

Oh yeah and these people also created I hate Amanda Todd page where they commented that they were happy she died and bla bla.... In the end Facebook deleted it.
on July 18, 2013
on July 18, 2013
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amanda todd, is a Angel, she was innocent and she shall rest in peace. some hateful people said she deserved it, well NO SHE DIDNT. i hope amanda a safe trip to the after life...rest in peace amanda
on March 21, 2016
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Oh my i remember now in 2012 :( that make me so sad to think people are like that.
on June 13, 2013
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Yeah, I did:( I was really sad when I learned about it...:'( I can't believe a real HUMAN would actually do this to anyone.... I heard that she had her own page on facebook to remeber her, to honor her.... And someone actually POSTED this; Thank God she's dead.... That's just sad and inhuman...:'( I hate to see where this world is coming to...:'(
on March 31, 2013