Beauty784's Questions
Beauty784 asked 13 questions

Any good ideas for a story... like for a book? Hi guys, hope you are having a wonderful...

How do you know if a guy likes you? See, there is this SUPER CUTE guy at my school.. bu...
Ideas for a Science project? I'm doing this Science-type of competition and I only have...
Do you enter your details, press enter and you can't register? Like on virtual worlds s...
Who has heard about Amanda Todd? I heard about her today, a teenager who committed suic...

Are you like this? Please read below. See, ever since we moved back to South Africa, I'...

Entrepreneurs Day Help Needed! See at the end of every term here at my school, we have ...

Do English Bulldogs and Siberian Huskies get along? Like, if you buy/adopt both of them...

Am I like the only who hasn't read Harry Potter and/or The Hunger Games??? It feels lik...

Who was your first follower? My first follower was roxrox. You can see who was your fir...

What's YOUR BIGGEST wish? Everybody has a wish, something that they have been wishing t...
Do you guys think that 10 questions on a quiz is enough? Because I have been making a q...