Are you like this? Please read below. See, ever since we moved back to South Africa, I'm shy again. The reason for that is that I had a crazy friend and we would always go around in break time and laugh out loud and all but now I'm gone... in another country. I'm a natural shy person. But you see, on the internet I'm crazy and wacky and confident and I have thousands of friends. Are you guys also like that? Like, on the internet you really show the real you when in real life, you're all shy and you're not crazy and all? I might be the only one.
Answers (17)
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This happened to me when my best friend left school and moved. I was shy until I met her. Now I'm just ridiculously shy! Unless I'm on the Internet or any writing structure, I'm confident. Like now. But I don't really know the real me whether I'm on the Internet or not, to be honest!

Thanks for answering! ;)
on March 13, 2013
on March 12, 2013
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I think it's the opposite for me-- I'm a bit shy when in comes to chatting on the internet but crazy among friends!
on March 10, 2013
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I'm the same, really shy, but confident on the internet talking to people. But some people are too confident and bully people on the internet : (
on March 10, 2013
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Yes, and no, right now I've still got my crazy cooko person with me, but I am different on the Internet. I tend to be shy when I'm not with her. I am soo sorry for you if you dont like what your life 684976 like right now.
on March 10, 2013
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If you find the square you'll have good luck for a day.
Find the o and your crush will realize they love you.
Now find the happy face and you'll get your wish in 3 days.
Now put this on 5 places on Qfeast and look under your pillow. See More
Find the o and your crush will realize they love you.
Now find the happy face and you'll get your wish in 3 days.
Now put this on 5 places on Qfeast and look under your pillow. See More
on November 01, 2016
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We'll I'm kind of Like that u see when I'm with my friends I'm crazy but then when I'm in class I'm so quite or when I'm around people i don't really know I'm shy but once I get to know them i get less shy like me and my cousin never really see each outher and now I'm a bit shy around her
on March 28, 2014
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I'm so different around different people sometimes I don't even know what I'm like.......
on March 15, 2014
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I'm like that, but I'm not shy, just well it's complicated. I have two sides, my childish, cute, funny side and then my Arianator, smart, awesome side. Two different things I say. Real life side: waa- ee poo foo foo foo yab iif? Secret (online) side: And then Ariana Grande was like ____ and then ____ happened!
on January 07, 2014
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Yeah one the Internet I act really weird and random but I'm really quiet and shy in real life.
on August 20, 2013
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I have it ok. On the Internet and in life I am confident but in life I can get a little too confident:)
on July 06, 2013
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I'm almost the exact opposite!! I tend to be shy on the Internet but really out going when I'm with my friends and stuff....
on March 10, 2013