I miss you :p
Chat with me when you are on XD
Chat with me when you are on XD
on May 15, 2015

Hey guys-- sorry I haven't really been on, I haven't really had time. I might be on and off, taking a few quizzes, but I'm not planning to post anything. I just want to say a special thanks to all of you for making my qfeast expirience amazing. Thanks for being there for me!:)
on December 21, 2014

I haven't seen you around, and apparently no one else has! Where are you?

Hi! Sorry been super busy with school! I'm back... For now :)
Btw sorry if I haven't been on guys! Luv ya!
Btw sorry if I haven't been on guys! Luv ya!
on October 31, 2014

(According to your wall :p)
(Also, sorry if you think this is weird and you don't remember me)
(Also, sorry if you think this is weird and you don't remember me)
on October 11, 2014
on October 11, 2014

Had to delete the old Celestrians so I made a new one! 4 New chapters right now and make sure to reread some chapters because there are changes and now there's music that goes along with some chapters!
Had to delete the old Celestrians so I made a new one! 4 New chapters right now and make sure to reread some chapters because there are changes and now there's music that goes along with some chapters!

Look around you, do you see wings? In this world, Angels and Demons are only the begining
on August 23, 2014

Writerunner, are you there?
on July 12, 2014

on June 12, 2014

are you still coming on here or what?
on May 31, 2014

on May 19, 2014

on April 20, 2014

on April 10, 2014

You've been TAGGED! I think go to Answers to Tag Game.
on April 08, 2014

You've been TAGGED! I think go to Answers to Tag Game.
on April 08, 2014