Writerunner added a new chapter to The Terrible Advice Giver
Ask Alex? Lark? WHAT?
This is what the advice column looked like with Lark in Alex's place.
Dear Alex,
My parents are fighting all the time! What should I do?
Dear Mike,
Live with it.
Dear Alex,
My boyfriend dumped me but I still have feelings for him! Now what?
Confused and sad
Dear CAS,
Too bad.
Alex Read Full Chapter
Dear Alex,
My parents are fighting all the time! What should I do?
Dear Mike,
Live with it.
Dear Alex,
My boyfriend dumped me but I still have feelings for him! Now what?
Confused and sad
Dear CAS,
Too bad.
Alex Read Full Chapter
on January 19, 2014

Writerunner added a new chapter to The Terrible Advice Giver
AVALANCHE!!! (Kind of.)
But her plan came tumbling down.
Read Full Chapter
on January 19, 2014

Writerunner added a new chapter to The Terrible Advice Giver
The next day, Alex was terribly sick.
"I think you're coming down with something," said her mom. "You're staying home from school today."
In her head, Lark silently cheered. Now she could pretend to be Alex since they were identical twins, and take over her spot as the advice giver!
She practically skipped to school. Read Full Chapter
"I think you're coming down with something," said her mom. "You're staying home from school today."
In her head, Lark silently cheered. Now she could pretend to be Alex since they were identical twins, and take over her spot as the advice giver!
She practically skipped to school. Read Full Chapter
on January 19, 2014

Hi beloved followers!
I just wanted to thank you guys for taking your time to take my quizzes, read my stories, etc. Thank you!
I just wanted to thank you guys for taking your time to take my quizzes, read my stories, etc. Thank you!

:D Thanks
on January 23, 2014
on January 19, 2014

created a

What do the Hunger Games characters think of you? (1)
on January 17, 2014

Sorry, followers. I'm sorry I haven't been making quizzes, polls, etc. My computer won't let me. :(
on January 16, 2014

Everybody follow MEGS0316!
She is really nice! She likes books and works well with little kids. She is crazy but mature when she needs to be. If you need a loyal buddy, follow her now! Pass this around Qfeast in 3 places and you'll get good luck!
She is really nice! She likes books and works well with little kids. She is crazy but mature when she needs to be. If you need a loyal buddy, follow her now! Pass this around Qfeast in 3 places and you'll get good luck!
on January 15, 2014

Hi! What quiz do you think I should make next Writerunner?

Idk. Pick a theme:
1. Books
2. Love (Me: :-&)
3. Friends
Then I'll tell u an idea after I have a theme
1. Books
2. Love (Me: :-&)
3. Friends
Then I'll tell u an idea after I have a theme
on January 03, 2014
on January 02, 2014

forward this message for no reason :p
:-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B See More :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-)
:-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B See More :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-) >:) :(( :x :-B :-O :-* B) :( :p ;) :) <3 :D :-c :-& :"> &[] :brb: |-) X-( O:-)
on January 01, 2014

on December 30, 2013

Hi Whiterunner!!!!!!!!! helloooooooooooo
on December 30, 2013