Message to all readers of Diary of a 7th Grader, Diary of an 8th Grader has already been released! Read, Favorite, and Rate the story as it progresses, it will really help a lot! Thank you for reading! Have a good day!
on September 26, 2013

Just a mass message to Invisible readers!
A new chapter has been added...and uh oh, Lucas is in trouble. Please read, comment, and enjoy!
A new chapter has been added...and uh oh, Lucas is in trouble. Please read, comment, and enjoy!
on September 26, 2013

Sorry that I haven't been on for a while. I am also sorry that you are inable turn auto correct off on iPads, which is so stupid! So hi!
on August 31, 2013

My email isn't receiving emails to verify my email. It is KILLING me!

on August 25, 2013
on August 24, 2013

Wow. I now have more followers than following... never thought that would happen
on August 24, 2013

blank added a story to the favorite list

The new girl's stealing my bf! (keiras bf cheated on her, they're trying to get back to...
on August 23, 2013

blank added a story to the favorite list

DAMSEL IN DISTRESS (Posh and Poor, royalty and servant, love and heartbreak)
on August 23, 2013

blank added a story to the favorite list

I'm a maid but my master thinks otherwise part 3 (ongoing)
on August 23, 2013

blank added a story to the favorite list

I'm a maid but my master thinks other wise... PART 2 II
on August 22, 2013

blank added a story to the favorite list

I am a maid, but my master hinks other wise
on August 22, 2013

The solutions are in the Membership Chat Room
on August 15, 2013