Does anyone think the word "persons" is weird to say?
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Yes, hey check lots of random persons answered this quiz, I would say random people not persons...

Well it is was made to get random people's opinion.
on August 15, 2013
on August 15, 2013
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no i say persons all the time! hes a example, i dont like persons,but potato chips are better!
on March 22, 2018
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Some peeps in my school once heard it and were like, what is that crappy word?
Some peeps in my school once heard it and were like, what is that crappy word?
on August 06, 2015
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I you guys have looked on who you are following/a follower it will say __________ is following/ a follower of these persons. Sorry I just noticed that!
on August 15, 2013
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It is gramatically correct amd you can say it both ways. It does kind of annoy me though, It's kind of like yoghurt amd yogurt. (Horrible example but it's true, some people spell it like that)
on July 06, 2013